Example sentences of "[adj] [verb] that [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Keith Flett is right to claim that Labour needs active grassroots supporters to defeat the Tories ( Letters , 24 April ) .
2 During the televised hearings on Aug. 30 the three bankers each admitted that lax credit controls had contributed to their banks ' involvement in the recent scandals .
3 are clearly right to emphasise that new forms of politics and people 's support of these politics must be in some way connected to changing social structures and crises within capitalist society .
4 Sir Ian is right to emphasise that plebeian savagery was more vulnerable than its patrician counterpart : cock-throwing declined while fox-hunting flour ished .
5 The Times 12.1.90 reported that public health labs have found that up to 60% of all uncooked chickens in shops are contaminated by Salmonella and Listeria .
6 Rates reported by Arthur Young on his various Tours around 1770 suggest that regional variations were less significant than the type of cloth or the fineness of the yarn ( see Table 7.6 ) .
7 Does not that demonstrate that low taxation , low inflation and good industrial relations are the basis for strong investment , including inward investment ; and does it not also show that the future of this country is excellent under this Government ?
8 In respect of IAS 9 , Research and Development Costs , and IAS 23 , Borrowing Costs , E 32 proposed that immediate recognition as an expense should be the preferred treatment for all such costs .
9 ( It is interesting to see that recent union negotiations may place the wages of such workers above those of refuse collectors for the first time . )
10 While many people expressed dissatisfaction and anger with government training policies , some argued that current training policies can be used fruitfully by and for local people .
11 Furthermore , Britain 's liberal capital market has allowed easier access for foreigners to British firms than vice versa and this has caused some to claim that British industry is vulnerable .
12 For example : Law 2 argued that urban areas will absorb the population of first their immediate rural areas and then even the remote areas ; Law 6 stated that urban dwellers are less migratory than rural inhabitants ; and Law 5 argued that migrants proceeding long distances generally migrate to the great centres of commerce and industry .
13 This proposed that mid-oceanic ridges represent regions where new oceanic crust is being generated by the upwelling of hot mantle material .
14 Anyone fancying a repeat of Hazy Days on the Far East Buttress might be interested to know that current opinion gives it a serious E5 6b grading .
15 The Royal is to be congratulated on introducing Direct Access Endoscopy , ( DAE ) , however your readers may be interested to know that Northern Board patients have enjoyed the benefit of DAE for some time .
16 Some say that Linear A is related to the Phoenician and Palestinian languages , and that the texts contain lists of people and quantities of produce ; but it would be premature to assume this .
17 And some say that tight SEC rules on shareholders ' freedom to talk to one another , and to their company , hinder good corporate governance .
18 Some propose that social behaviour is caused by external social forces while others , such as the symbolic interactionists or the ethnomethodologists , want to see social behaviour as actions mutually created and sustained by parties to social arrangements .
19 While many people are aware that meat pies are extremely high in fat — around half the calories in some pork pies come from fat — few realise that modern chicken-rearing is producing birds with a higher fat content .
20 Successes such as this suggest that remedial actions are feasible and can bring beneficial effects in a relatively short time .
21 The Financial Times of Sept. 22 reported that pro-Chinese associations had won 12 of the 16 elective seats .
22 The US negotiating team , led by Max Kampelman until his retirement in December , had on Oct. 30 proposed that anti-missile tests in space be permitted but that a limit be placed on their scope , with a specific assurance that the USA would limit to 15 the number of satellites deployed in a Strategic Defence Initiative ( SDI , or " Star Wars'-see p. 36760 ) test .
23 Putting up posters and shouting slogans about democracy had done little in the past to achieve the students ' goal but in 1980 , some believed that substantial change could be achieved if the limited opportunities presented by the Gengshen reforms were seized .
24 This assumes that past performance is indicative of future performance and this may not always be so .
25 This assumes that social worker has the information available to them to make correct decisions .
26 This assumed that young people embarked upon a particular ‘ career ’ because they had ‘ chosen ’ it : that it was a product of their own internal decision-making processes .
27 A French government report released on July 2 showed that foreign orders for French weapons had soared by 70 per cent in 1990 to F33,400 million ( US$5,400 million ) , largely because of the Gulf war .
28 One answer was that the riots in 1980 in Bristol followed by others in Toxteth , Moss Side and Handsworth in 1981 and Tottenham , Handsworth and Bristol in 1985 showed that young people could be a very real threat to the social order as well as just a symbolic one .
29 This shows that similar guidelines for decompression of the biliary tree after open cholecystectomy , can be applied after laparoscopic cholecystectomy as well .
30 This shows that human bird-catchers had already learnt to exploit the mobbing reaction .
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