Example sentences of "[adj] [verb] that [noun pl] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Italian bankers also welcome the introduction of universal banking , though some grumble that regulators have been slow to bring the country into line with other European states .
2 Agency records , which recorded all referrals , were checked weekly to confirm that ASWs had completed questionnaires where relevant .
3 The CML disputed that lenders had in recent years relied on the availability of cover under the Compensation and Indemnity Funds to relax their own business practices , and claimed that lenders were largely responding to public demands for more streamlined conveyancing procedures .
4 Paul is careful to emphasise that relationships relate both to God and man by the statement which comes immediately prior to , and also introduces , his section on the full range of relationships in which Christians will be involved .
5 Since there is a waiting list for places on the course for better driving , readers may be interested to know that groups affiliated to the Institute of Advanced Motorists hold such classes all over the country .
6 And if she has already enjoyed the satisfaction of having climbed to a new standard of proficiency , higher than she has been before , why should she care one way or another to know that others have not yet reached this standard ?
7 The OFT client survey in 1985 found that organisations commissioning consulting architects were , in general , paying 10–15 per cent below the RIBA recommended scale , indicating that there may have been some small reduction in the fee income of architects after 1982 .
8 The International Herald Tribune of Oct. 30 reported that documents supplied to the court handling the case of the murdered Jesuits showed that Maj. Eric Buckland , a US military adviser , and others had had prior knowledge of the proposed attack on the Jesuits .
9 This assumes that words have clear , fixed meanings and that the purpose of language is to represent states of affairs accurately .
10 All this assumes that constituencies have been determined ; that the persons voting have become qualified to do so ; and that candidates for election are qualified to sit if elected .
11 This assumes that banks have surplus liquidity in the first place .
12 This says that agents use all the available information to forecast the future spot rate ; that is , they form rational expectations of the future exchange rate .
13 This stipulated that products had to be fit for their purpose and meet standards of appearance and finish being free from minor defects as well as safe and durable .
14 This confirms that lesions associated with one particular virus type may show diverse morphological characteristics .
15 Some decide that computers have no place whatsoever , some regard computers as cheap and reliable " clerical " labour fit for nothing other than " payroll crunching " , others find a niche for computing in the successful management of the business .
16 Yet it would be wrong to believe that Hamas controls hearts and minds in the strip .
17 Almost all individualists are willing to concede that actions have some causal antecedents , since they allow that people are shaped and constrained by environmental factors which form their personalities and affect what they do .
18 Some feel that women use this in a manipulative way — be a good boy and you 'll get what you want .
19 This meant that discharges had been less diluted .
20 This meant that school-children taking ‘ O ’ and ‘ A ’ levels were not moved during this crucial time and so disruption to schooling did not present a major problem for parents .
21 This meant that sociologists have had to look more closely at the idea of ‘ skill ’ , at the kinds of skills which were being introduced , and at the effects of the Youth Training Scheme upon both the labour market and upon young people .
22 This meant that schools received standard sums as either Major or Minor awards , regardless of differences in the scale of need between schools in either category .
23 Since diplomacy largely revolved around the family relationships of princely dynasties this meant that children had to expect to be betrothed early — and occasionally even married early .
24 This meant that characters acquired by the adult body could not be incorporated into the germ plasm and could not be inherited .
25 This meant that issues to do with the representativeness of the sample drawn and interviewed were paramount since the objective was to gain an accurate estimate from the sample of the likely population characteristics .
26 This meant that wages fell sharply in the coal exporting districts of South Wales and the North East but remained the same in the new and expanding south Yorkshire coalfield , where new and deeper mines were producing high quality coal for the home market .
27 This insisted that shareholders sanctioned such donations before they were made instead of only being able to discuss them afterwards .
28 Some felt that women lacked the cultural and political training necessary .
29 This implies that questions relating to skills and understanding of the same concept might be placed at different levels of a scheme .
30 The choice of a system because of particular or peculiar features also needs careful consideration , as this implies that programs developed on such a system will be machine-dependent and not transferable to other systems .
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