Example sentences of "[adj] [verb] i [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 That chilled me in a way I ca n't properly describe .
2 They were prepared to hit me on the head , were n't they ? ’
3 This got me into the very comfortable American hospital , where I was well pampered .
4 Lord knows what they say to her , but they must be on at her night and day , to get her into a state where she 's afraid to acknowledge me on the phone ! ’
5 I plan to donate approximately 30 items myself and a friend if willing to help me with the selling .
6 ‘ Who should be free to help me with the food .
7 This leads me to the last determinant of transmission teaching I want to explore here : that of teacher isolation .
8 All this leads me to the conclusion that the greater part of the passage of geological time has left over most of the earth no more than Shakespeare 's " gap in nature " .
9 Another twenty minutes of this reduces me to a disorientated wreck , near to tears and vomiting .
10 This took me in a gentle curve round the flanks of Great Coum towards the Barbondale road , Combe House , the track past Tofts , and back to my home for tea and crumpets .
11 This puts me in the position of having to either cancel the project — which would be a great discouragment to the volunteers , who might be reluctant to come forward again having been let down over this one — or risk going on without funding ( and then perhaps being told that funding can not be granted retrospectively ? ) .
12 All this reminds me of the ideas of Michel Foucault .
13 This reminds me of the story about the old lady who boasted she had been wearing the same pair of stockings for twenty years — one year she knitted new feet on them and the next new legs !
14 Pa talking like this reminds me of the witch in the Snow White video : ‘ Cymbeline 's bought you strawberries and ice cream m for tea , ’ it says .
15 This reminded me of the story of how Dame Janet allegedly tried to relocate the ducks which meet and mate annually on the landscaped patch in front of the Commons and atop its underground carpark .
16 This endeared me to the young Noones .
17 I had taken no interest in Egyptian politics , but this struck me as a novel view .
18 This left me in a situation where I had to decide if I could afford to finance the aircraft on my own .
19 " It would depend on nervous strain or other excitement , of course , but from the look of things this strikes me as a fairly cool job .
20 This strikes me as the best way of getting a real working knowledge of computers .
21 That cultural regulation , as we have seen , is controlled by men , for ( and this brings me to the third point ) , within this scheme of thought , woman herself is placed more fully within the realm of nature than man in consequence of the fact that more of her time and her body are seen to be taken up with the natural processes surrounding reproduction of the species .
22 This brings me to the third general quality of successful replicators : copying-fidelity .
23 But all this brings me to the ‘ Ongoing Debate ’ of the letters page and those comments of Naomi Wolf about variety and the impossibility of being all things to all women .
24 But this brings me to the cardinal rule when buying — always choose a house which will be easy to sell .
25 This brings me to the main issue .
26 But my argument will be double-edged ; and this brings me to the second reason for discounting ‘ higher learning ’ as a chapter title .
27 This brings me to the second part of this paper in which I wish to turn to some of the ‘ challenges ’ a UK government archivist faces in attempting to implement an archival records management programme in government .
28 This brings me to the final topic that I want to discuss in this rather philosophical chapter , the problem of what we mean by explanation .
29 what went badly , and what beneficial feedback does that give me for the future ?
30 Frankly , none of that interests me in the slightest .
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