Example sentences of "[adj] [verb] in the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 For example , the tin-glazed pottery made in Europe from the Renaissance onwards was produced in many styles : that made in the Low Countries ( known as Delftware ) is of a specific range and type which varies from one production centre to another and is different again from the maiolica of Italy and the lustreware of Spain .
2 I could not restrain myself from hastening to view one of those Druid circles , of which there are so many in the Isle of Lewis ; that given in the small vignette is the first one I reached .
3 The new sales division is headed by Paul Hutchinson as director of sales ( David Marten is due to retire in the near future ) and John Mohin has been appointed sales manager , responsible for UK sales operations , assisted by Diane Best and Michael Trotter as regional sales managers .
4 But it remains the case that the current rate of increase in unemployment is considerably lower than that experienced in the early part of last year . ’
5 If it is assumed that the expected volume of output is roughly equal to that experienced in the previous year , , then the higher is , the greater will gross investment tend to be .
6 Is it right to see in the big reduction in disconnections signs of a different attitude on the part of the electricity companies to their customers and signs of better management since the companies were privatised , and is there scope for further improvement in this respect ?
7 Then , like a shoal of fish moving within a net , Rose and the girls started to clear the table , to brush away crumbs , to wash , to dry , to return each thing to its own place , all done with a muted energy ; whispers , jokes , little scolding asides — ‘ No , that goes in the other place ’ or reminisce how they had made the same mistake before in order to soften any harshness in the scold , bending low in apologetic laughter .
8 One final reason why Gothic 's victory was never complete lay in the new Settlements and Central Halls which Nonconformity erected in town centres .
9 If the transferred employee insists on moving into bigger or more ‘ up market ’ accommodation , the excess mortgage allowance is based on the price of housing comparable with that owned in the old area .
10 The debts shown in the Accounts relating to the Business ( less the amount of any provision or reserve calculated on the same basis as that applied in the corresponding accounts for the preceding three financial years ) were good and collectable in full in the ordinary course of business and have or will realise the net amount thereof .
11 It is possible to see in the parallel gulf between detailed legal control over lending to the needy , and very little control over other credit , the survival of the very long-standing and deep-rooted mistrust of usury ( alongside social concern about the way that high rates of interest could turn poverty into destitution ) .
12 I 've had three goes at it , and I can tell you that looks are the last thing to be considered ; it 's what 's underneath that matters in the long run .
13 In February she is due to appear in the networked This Sunday .
14 By the mid-1970s our collective view was that , with a few notable exceptions , Soviet technology was on a distinctly inferior plane to that found in the major Western industrial countries and , moreover , had shown no signs of catching up in the previous 15–20 years .
15 The postulate put forward in this study is that the potential meaning of to before the infinitive is more abstract than that found in the spatial use of the preposition , and can be stated as follows : the possibility of a movement from a point in time conceived as a before-position to another point in time which marks the end-point of the movement and which represents an after-position with respect to the first .
16 The other method , used by certain butterflies , is similar to that found in the deflection-displaying fish .
17 The basis for supposing that there are hereditary factors in the aetiology of peptic ulcer disease is provided by studies showing aggregation of peptic ulcers in the families of affected individuals to a greater extent than that found in the general population .
18 Unger depicts herself and others working in the psychology of women , as caught up in ‘ facho ’ , a feminist version of macho ( Arpad 1986 : 208 ) , which in their case took the form of an obsession with productivity much like that found in the mainstream : ‘ like the characters in Through The Looking Glass we are all running ( and writing ) as fast as we can to keep up ’ ( 1979 : vii ) .
19 The main point , however , of the section on the Germanic tribes is a discussion of the nature of feudalism , and this is little different from that found in The German Ideology .
20 It is interesting that the dose-response effect we found in these coeliac disease children is similar to that found in the single gluten challenge study by Ciclitira et al , which showed no evidence of jejunal mucosal damage after the infusion of 10 mg of gliadin , minimal changes after 100 mg of gliadin , and noticeable histological changes after an additional 500 mg challenge .
21 But there is no hope of that occurring in the foreseeable future .
22 Although the initial explanation of the scale was identical to that used in the present study , it is possible that the labelling of the end points may have encouraged subjects to use numbers nearer to the middle of the scale .
23 * It is not clear why the effect of the retention interval should be especially marked when the pre-exposure flavour is different from that used in the subsequent phases of the study .
24 The lexicon system provided with the ANLT is sufficiently large however to be of comparable size to that used in the probabilistic system .
25 And in language identical to that used in the Municipal Alliance critique of the Labour council declared that their object was
26 ‘ Post accident flight tests revealed that deployment of speed brakes during the landing roll produced an horizontal stabiliser load condition spectrum which was significantly different to that used in the original design . ’
27 The suspension is the same as that used in the Sunny GTi , which makes it firm without being too hard .
28 Of course , making an unauthorized copy of an Esperanto– English dictionary would infringe copyright , if only that subsisting in the typographical arrangement .
29 To my mind it is clear from the terms of the third paragraph of the Crown Prosecution Service 's letter that it is accepted that the order restricts them , in any prosecution which they decide to initiate , to utilising material already obtained or other material obtained independently of that disclosed in the High Court civil proceedings .
30 I should also be prepared to include in the appropriate sections , committees which , though not Cabinet Committees , in fact perform closely similar functions .
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