Example sentences of "[adj] [verb] [conj] [adj] [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 Keith Flett is right to claim that Labour needs active grassroots supporters to defeat the Tories ( Letters , 24 April ) .
2 are clearly right to emphasise that new forms of politics and people 's support of these politics must be in some way connected to changing social structures and crises within capitalist society .
3 Quite apart from the availability of incidence information , a longitudinal study makes it possible to see if certain events regularly precede others , e.g. ‘ Do people with a certain laboratory report consistently develop liver disease ? ’
4 Rates reported by Arthur Young on his various Tours around 1770 suggest that regional variations were less significant than the type of cloth or the fineness of the yarn ( see Table 7.6 ) .
5 It is interesting to see that some developments in reading instruction are stressing the need to help pupils cope with text organisational problems .
6 It would be interesting to see whether other mechanisms , besides CDM , are capable of reconciling HDM with observations .
7 It will be interesting to see whether these objectives are attained .
8 Personally , I would not object to payment but it would be interesting to see if all users would contribute .
9 Longer words are easier to see than short ones .
10 At least as much interest has been stirred up by another special ability of the acoustic microscope ; to see beneath the surface , look into things , whether or not they are transparent to light and other forms of radiation .
12 For example : Law 2 argued that urban areas will absorb the population of first their immediate rural areas and then even the remote areas ; Law 6 stated that urban dwellers are less migratory than rural inhabitants ; and Law 5 argued that migrants proceeding long distances generally migrate to the great centres of commerce and industry .
13 Patrick had been interested to see that all traces of the damage the insurgents had wrought in the Green — the trenches they had dug , the trees they had felled — had vanished , and the only evidence of the 1916 Rising were the bullet holes in the stonework of the hotel where the rebels had fired on the British troops positioned on the roof and in some of the upper rooms .
14 No what we said was that if you were interested to see if two variables are associated , this is for a pi squared you might look at sex differences , men and women , and smoking or non-smoking now if they were associated what we 've said is that you might for example ex in fact women 'll probably smoke more than men .
15 I have some doubt whether these contentions were open to Mr. Steed on the pleadings .
16 Alternatively , there are often many puppies to choose from , and these will be much easier to train than older animals , as bad habits will not yet be ingrained .
17 This proposed that mid-oceanic ridges represent regions where new oceanic crust is being generated by the upwelling of hot mantle material .
18 This matters because married women who work have fewer children than married women who do not ( Dunnell 1979 , Jones 1981 ) .
19 Although I hoped that I would find that the church stood at least on one circle , I was not prepared to find that four Circles of Time passed through it !
20 Forty perished and three years later the Scottish Parliament voted that the killing had been unlawful murder .
21 In the face of such evidence it was a little difficult for at least some of the non-poor to accept that such conditions should continue and that free enterprise could bring them to an end largely unassisted .
22 Successes such as this suggest that remedial actions are feasible and can bring beneficial effects in a relatively short time .
23 We are very willing to accept that those parts of the judges ' visitorial jurisdiction which were not incident to the administration of justice in the courts passed down through the routes suggested by Sir William and Professor Baker , but in the context of the present case , where the court has for the first time to inquire into the particular function which is being performed , we are not satisfied that the whole of the visitorial jurisdiction passed by this route .
24 The Financial Times of Sept. 22 reported that pro-Chinese associations had won 12 of the 16 elective seats .
25 The US negotiating team , led by Max Kampelman until his retirement in December , had on Oct. 30 proposed that anti-missile tests in space be permitted but that a limit be placed on their scope , with a specific assurance that the USA would limit to 15 the number of satellites deployed in a Strategic Defence Initiative ( SDI , or " Star Wars'-see p. 36760 ) test .
26 Of course , all this assumes that three years is a ‘ natural ’ rather than arbitrary period in which to reach ‘ degree standard ’ .
27 This assumes that both contributions to the strain are additive so that .
28 The serialization was begun while Pickwick Papers was only half written and later instalments overlapped with the commencement of Nicholas Nickleby .
29 So , paradoxically , smaller black holes might actually turn out to be easier to detect than large ones !
30 Verse 2 says that 400,000 footmen " that drew the sword " assembled .
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