Example sentences of "[adj] [verb] [prep] the time " in BNC.

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1 The idealised FAOR solutions , although impractical to implement at the time , nonetheless provided a goal that could be pursued via a strategy that would recognise the speed of technological developments , the availability of finance , and other priorities of the two departments .
2 But there was little understanding at the time of how much work was required to develop high-quality screenplays .
3 All of this adds to the time involved in the process and certainly adds to the fees .
4 One has to ask whether different pressure groups within the Roman Church became equally hostile to Galileo , or whether , as some believed at the time , he was a victim of a Jesuit plot — of an act of revenge for insults he had meted out to prominent members of that order .
5 Where there has been malicious tampering of a product , if this occurs before the time of supply by , for example , an employee of the manufacturer , the latter will be strictly liable .
6 But all this depends on the time you have left after giving your attention to the centre of the question .
7 This happened at the time when the long bow was finally succeeded by the musket and pike .
8 Well er to me it does n't quite ring true , it 's always been the boys ' ploughing match and it always will be as far as I 'm concerned but I think this happened at the time post war I ca n't say exactly which year , when the date was changed from easter time to August .
9 In years with more bees , there is clearly a different quality of pollination and this varies with the time in the season considered , but poorer quality pollination at other times is better than none , so that specialization with one pollinator per plant species is unlikely to evolve .
10 The gaunt picture on the back tells a story that few understood at the time : Marley was being eaten by cancer .
11 Some said at the time that Leviathan had been written for Cromwell , and indeed Hobbes did say that it supported a ‘ conscientious obedience to the present government ’ of the Protectorate .
12 Before it , the talk in the High Court corridors was that Meehan would be acquitted for lack of evidence , but it was a view that few held by the time it was finished .
13 The damper song This comes from the time when old fires had dampers attached to control the fire .
14 With these , but with no filming permits , since they were impossible to obtain at the time , we winged it to the steaming metropolis of Jakarta .
15 I mean I 've certainly been very much helped in the time at Sussex when I 've been working part time by the men that I 've worked with
16 Johnson rejected the proposal for the elections , which in any case were clearly impossible to hold within the time proposed .
17 Berkshire family health services authority amended the new form from July 1991 to ask for the time the visit was made .
18 And , at the end of this act we are shown how his ambition has led to another theme , that of appearance and reality , where Macbeth is told by his wife to conceal his thoughts and appear to his guests to be the perfect host whereas he is really supposed to wait for the time to kill the king .
19 There are situations where the reciprocal of a rate would make more sense than the original rate : ergonomists , for example , might find it more natural to look at the time it takes a person to produce a fixed number of items rather than at the output a person produces from a machine in a fixed period of time .
20 Or even if you have to clarify the title by saying who is responsible for making sure that materials that you use arrive at the place that they 're supposed to arrive at the time .
21 Of the 16 patients , three died at the time of their first hospital admission and five died subsequently .
22 The Bruces , whose currying of favour with Edward had resulted in the restoration of their estates , stirred up minor troubles but seemed glad to yield for the time being to their benefactors and express disapproval of Wallace 's wild conduct .
23 While they generally accepted the legitimacy of Whitehall interventions as ‘ bankers ’ to the industry in the annual investment review , when it came to discussion of other policies they were more likely to complain about the time that Whitehall committees and correspondence pre-empted , and to show impatience with civil service style .
24 Where the nuisance was in existence at the time the abatement notice was served , and continued or was likely to recur at the time proceedings for a nuisance order began then whether or not it was continuing or was likely to recur at the date of the hearing , the court must also order the defendant to pay the local authority the cost of the proceedings to obtain the nuisance order .
25 It all depends on the time I can find to prepare it .
26 Apparently they do a commemorative gig every year at the same pub where we were all based at the time . ’
27 I was only a boy then , and it all began at the time my father owned the Admiral Benbow inn , at Black Hill Cove .
28 As many observed at the time , the question could have similarly been asked nearly fifty years earlier with regard to the relative lack of support for the 1926 General Strike in the same county : as Sunley ( 1990 ) describes the two geographies , they have ‘ striking parallels ’ .
29 Fire officers have said they believe the blaze , which gutted the flat , was already well alight by the time it was noticed .
30 They 're all gone by the time you get into work and they ai n't back by time you go home .
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