Example sentences of "[adj] [verb] [pron] [adj] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The Sex Discrimination Act 1986 made it unlawful for an employer to discriminate between men and women as regards retirement age .
2 That made him more like Oedipus than Faust .
3 That made it 10 for Robins this season , and all in front of his policeman dad , Chief Inspector Gordon , who was in charge of crowd control at the ground .
4 That made it 68 for 4 as the rain returned and 14 minutes nett went missing around the tea interval .
5 That made it 38 for 3 .
6 Yet Labour had a double advantage with the electors : its leaders had served with complete loyalty in the coalition , and had thereby secured valuable experience of government , mostly , to be sure , on the home front ; but the party in Parliament had also by its single rebellion in 1943 made it clear to all that it was dissatisfied with the coalition 's progress towards social reform .
7 The Bakufu 's inability to demonstrate military superiority over Choshú0 late in 1866 made it apparent to all that the Tokugawa no longer possessed the force majeure on which their power ultimately depended , and with their opponents allied with each other under the banner of imperial rule the Tokugawa 's fate was sealed .
8 Does that make us different from any other kind of business ?
9 Did that make it easy for you to talk to him ?
10 And did that make it harder for you to do physics ?
11 Does not that make it difficult for the United Nations to carry out a peacekeeping role ?
12 ‘ So why should that make you envious of me ? ’
13 For example , erm , you sumo wrestling but would that make you fit for sprint racing ?
14 A greater distance from the events of 1680s made it easier for people to develop a nostalgic longing for the return of the exiled Stuarts as the solution to the nation 's ills .
15 That places it FOURTH in the premier league of top-earning ‘ industries ’ .
16 Where the difference lies … er , well , I can not quite remember … something about the Tory expenditure being spread over several years and Labour splurging its all at once .
17 So by examining meteorites it is possible to discover what some of the asteroids are made of without ever having to visit the asteroid belt .
18 The long period of Conservative government from 1951–64 made it easier for Labour MPs , released from electoral inhibitions , to press for abolition .
19 It 's quite funny to see them all in this group worried about these dogs .
20 This made me aware of how badly I 'd done with the domestic arrangements .
21 This made him popular at home , but enraged Alexander III .
22 This made him aware of how much he 'd been missing before in the cold , masculine environment of the academy .
23 Swan seemed unwilling to fly very close to these creatures from another world , and this made it impossible for Little Billy to see them clearly .
24 This made it impossible for those who did advance reform proposals , such as Panin under Catherine II and Pahlen under Alexander I , to organize united pressure upon the Tsar to compromise his authority .
25 This made it easy for the doctor to see at a glance how Vincent 's temperature had changed up or down , since the operation without studying a long list of figures .
26 This made it easy for him to appear younger , simpler and less thinking than he was .
27 This made it possible for Germany to develop economically and socially , and enabled Barbarossa to consolidate and extend his imperial and personal power throughout the German kingdom .
28 Prices were not going up too fast and again this made it economical for us to visit .
29 It was also suggested that the Board had insufficient knowledge of the Highlands and all this made it difficult for them to act correctly .
30 This made it difficult for modernist aesthetics to become oppositional .
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