Example sentences of "[adj] [verb] [pron] [noun] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Maybe the authors realised this anyway , as they each made their colonies telepathic — and for that to solve the problem the collective mind must in some sense exist as a permanent , ordered structure of its own .
2 So if you 're prepared to see your art second hand then the playhouse is for you .
3 Some make their parents anxious by the kind of friends they choose and the models they copy .
4 Some make their facilities available to postgraduate students .
5 When I wrote the entry on Hayward for the DNB , I found this made my task difficult .
6 This made my mother happy , as gardening and flowers were her great passion ; it almost amounted to a vice .
7 ‘ Do n't you ever wonder whether it would n't be easier to do what s required of you ? ’
8 Other safe forms of investment which could then be considered for any capital your parent may have could also include the building societies , local authority bonds ( if she is prepared to leave her money untouched for a year or two ) , National Savings Certificates , Post Office Savings , the National Savings Bank and Trustee Savings Bank .
9 However important this battle might be for future power at sea , the decisive point for the current war had been that the blockade made it impossible for the French to reinforce their West Indian or North American possessions .
10 When he spoke of himself with evident authority as ‘ the senior Vietnam veteran on active duty ’ you could read the subtext as if it was in neon : if I am prepared to give my commander-in-chief unquestioned respect , so should you .
11 This keeps its head free so that it can thrust it deep between the branches of the coral and select a particularly toothsome piece .
12 Amber Styles gives an extraordinary performance as a woman forever willing to give her man another chance . ’
13 They are twice as likely as any other group to fantasize while they 're actually having sex and are also prone to give their imaginations free rein while in the bath , in the shower or on the phone .
14 That was my job so therefore my hands had to be constantly clean and that 's not easy for a seventeen year old to keep his hands clean all the time but I had to .
15 Joe was still careful to keep their meetings secret lest some kind friend wrote about them to Terry , but Maureen and Sarah 's father made the meetings easier for them .
16 The son said that this brought his father deep happiness .
17 This offered its occupants seventy-two square feet of invigorating repose on a mattress stuffed with the tail hair of leading stallions .
18 That 's what H M I P did they got further information from British Coal they met er on Friday er with their colleagues at the National Rivers Authority and it 's from that greater understanding of the application that H M I P have now said that they are prepared to withdraw their objection subject to the imposition of the conditions at the N R A request .
19 This gives your body more time to burn up the calories .
20 This gives our evidence great strength .
21 ‘ Oh , well , yes , if you 're afraid to get your feet muddy .
22 When Newcastle won the Fairs Cup there was a song that began ‘ Some call us Newcastle United , most call us the kings of the land , and here 's to Bobby Moncur , the Fairs Cup in his hand …
23 This had her feeling ashamed of her sex .
24 More than half said their pay last year had not increased , or even fell .
25 Speaking on July 22 during a visit to Washington , the then Soviet Armed Forces Chief of Staff , Marshal Sergei Akhromeyev , responded to the suggestion saying that the Soviet Union would be willing to scrap its rail-mobile SS-24 missiles provided that the USA did " not do anything in this category of weapons ' .
26 ‘ You were willing to tolerate my touch last night .
27 It was singularly foolish because it obviously could not work without reciprocity , and no Dominion leader , not even his erstwhile friend Bennett of Canada , was willing to throw their markets open to British goods .
28 This brings my record up-to-date .
29 Having looked at both Alice In Wonderland and Alice Through The Looking Glass , I have confirmed my belief that Lewis Carroll had a very vivid imagination and this makes his work fascinating to children and adults alike .
30 Having given you food for thought , I 'd like to move on to a discussion of the criteria and can I say right now that I think it would be right and proper to limit our discussion this morning to the criteria .
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