Example sentences of "[adj] [verb] [pron] [adj] that " in BNC.

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1 Whether or not this advance notice had any bearing on the government 's response , when the subpoenas were served on 29 September , the FBI , the DEA , the State Department , the National Security Agency , the CIA and the National Security Council each made it clear that they had no intention of complying with them .
2 Also in 1948 , a State of Emergency was declared in Malaya , but here the British made it clear that they would stand and fight .
3 However , the steadily increasing weight of express trains in the 1890s made it obvious that more powerful locomotives would be required .
4 I had already made my debut in Scrutiny , however , and he may have felt that this made it appropriate that I should have something equivalent in The Criterion .
5 This made it clear that periti might not all be theologians ( 'canonists and other experts ’ were also mentioned ) , and that there was a distinction between conciliar periti and private advisers to bishops .
6 Of course this made it clear that von Neumann 's " proof " needed reappraisal , a task successfully accomplished by John Bell .
7 This made it clear that it was not the governments objective to alter fundamentally the red relationship between auditor and client , nor were we looking to increase the costs of audit .
8 The official results announced on Dec. 30 made it apparent that the second round of voting scheduled for Jan. 16 , 1992 , would almost certainly produce a FIS government .
9 A poll of 400 of the world 's leading climatologists organized by Greenpeace has shown that almost half think it possible that the greenhouse effect might reach the point of no return in the near future , and one in seven think it probable .
10 However , FRS 2 makes it clear that the group should provide against the debit minority interest where there is a commercial or legal obligation , whether formal or implied , to make it good .
11 This makes me confident that we are going to be the winners in the animal feed market .
12 The effort in this makes it expedient that an output form is found as quickly as possible .
13 This makes it unlikely that Edward had sought a protectorate .
14 All this makes it unlikely that the alliance ante-dated 440 , when Corinth , for whatever reason , voted against war with Athens over Samos ( p. 46 ) , i.e. when surface relations were still good .
15 This makes it unlikely that Edward had sought a protectorate .
16 This makes it unlikely that such a fund will be established .
17 This makes it clear that each pupil is entitled , as a result of the law , to a broad and balanced curriculum which is relevant to his or her particular needs .
18 Section 6(b) of the 1981 Act would then come into play since this makes it clear that the Act does not remove common law defences or qualifications to liability .
19 This makes it clear that certification , like a share certificate , is not a representation that the transferor has title to the shares but is a representation that certificates have been produced to the company showing a prima facie title and that the company will be liable to compensate any person who acts on the faith of it , provided that it was issued by someone authorised by the company to issue certified transfer and was signed by someone authorised to sign .
20 This makes it clear that all reasonable expenses incurred in minimising loss and protecting insured property from further loss will be recoverable under the Marine Policy .
21 This makes it clear that the subjects found the recognition task difficult .
22 This makes it clear that both Louis played at the Opéra .
23 This makes it clear that Martin specialized in flutes and , indeed , was a maker of transverse flutes .
24 This makes it clear that those customers have a direct customer relationship with the firm itself , and the customer agreement must therefore be entered into by the firm .
25 This makes it clear that Mrs. Proudie is a woman the like of whom neither Barchester nor any of its inhabitants have ever before seen .
26 His prose too is highly mannered in both his Latin and his English treatises ; it calls attention to itself and to the writer in striking contrast to the calm , lucid prose of our other mystics , who are all careful to make it clear that their word is not law but only their own opinion .
27 The availability of CD-I , CDTV and DVI in 1991 makes it clear that this fundamental change has come to stay .
28 The increased range and penetration of government activity , the tendency for specialised administrative departments to function with little political control , the growing complexity in the affairs of trade unions and other voluntary organisations which led to greater dependence upon professional experts — all these made it imperative that the general public should be better informed than ever before .
29 In fact it is only because he is trying so hard to get it right that he can be said to get it wrong at all , and the gauche hero is above all the example of social over-anxiety , like Betjeman 's subaltern weak for love on a Hampshire tennis-court : his palms moist at the first handshake , one imagines , his over-careful manners a veneer masking racking uncertainties , and an over-developed sense of social duty enforcing its own inner punishment .
30 But Alan Smith , Test and County Cricket Board chief executive , was quick to make it clear that the governing body were not accusing the tourists of any malpractice with the ball .
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