Example sentences of "[adj] [verb] [pron] [adj] to " in BNC.

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1 Yet Labour had a double advantage with the electors : its leaders had served with complete loyalty in the coalition , and had thereby secured valuable experience of government , mostly , to be sure , on the home front ; but the party in Parliament had also by its single rebellion in 1943 made it clear to all that it was dissatisfied with the coalition 's progress towards social reform .
2 The Bakufu 's inability to demonstrate military superiority over Choshú0 late in 1866 made it apparent to all that the Tokugawa no longer possessed the force majeure on which their power ultimately depended , and with their opponents allied with each other under the banner of imperial rule the Tokugawa 's fate was sealed .
3 But just to have you near me I was willing to give it all to you .
4 Those who are technologically and informationally illiterate find themselves unable to ‘ work the system ’ .
5 Sometimes this brought him close to disaster .
6 The Evangelicals have become a powerful influence in the land and this lays them open to the wooing of politicians .
7 This lays it open to Walter Benjamin 's critique even more than the classic realist novel , for it is still further removed from his concept of storytelling .
8 Some argue it due to the supply of applicants who wish to stand for this view there are certain practical , life-style and attitudinal constraints which seeks a full-time political career .
9 Some leave it all to officers and concentrate on policy issues in council and committee meetings , whereas others wish to know details of particular cases and administrative decisions .
10 Perhaps inevitably , this left it open to attempted incorporation by behaviourist psychology : Burgess and Akers ( 1966 ) provided a translation of differential association into the language of behaviourist ‘ reinforcement ’ theory .
11 Out of sheer perversity , the thinking human seems impelled to say something contrary to whatever received opinion has been yelling at him .
12 Though Cash is a former champion , he is no longer willing to commit himself full-time to the game .
13 This leaves them open to the very ‘ panopticism ’ identified by Foucault and Giddens .
14 It is not exclusively female , but Kristeva dwells on its cultural femininity , and this brings her close to Irigaray 's essentialism .
15 This brings us near to the suggestion that it was Massalia which provided the Celtic chieftains with a new , more exciting , way of getting drunk at their famous hierarchically organized banquets : wine made mead and beer less prestigious .
16 This makes them liable to prosecution long after the wastes have left their premises .
17 This makes it accessible to elementary as well as more advanced students .
18 The first accords qualified privilege unconditionally ; the second grants it subject to the condition that a reasonable right of reply must have been afforded to victims of privileged defamations .
19 That was unthinkable to the British generals , even though Napoleon III made it clear to Lord Palmerston that he did not intend to usurp the command and so the problem would not arise .
20 The Francis Bacon would have to go , of course , but it would be easy to find something more to her taste .
21 Already she was under some malign spell that seemed woven to keep her close to Rune Christensen .
22 This makes them more varied to look at , and in general perhaps more picturesque , but it is not easy to make them intelligible to someone who has not seen them .
23 In some districts it has been impossible to make it available to everyone .
24 To force increased employment costs on such firms , as we do when we add all that baggage to employees , is likely to drive them nearer to the margin , nearer to closing down .
25 It is hard to describe it all to people who were n't there .
26 With the law as it is there may be some men who would prefer an adult partner , but who at present turn their attention to boys because they consider that this course is less likely to lay them open to prosecution or to blackmail than if they sought other adults as their partners .
27 The next few years look likely to take him closer to that kind of life , the life of his ancestors .
28 The name Trail Quest is supposed to make it clear to cyclists that they should n't stray away from legal routes .
29 Now researchers at the Nuffield Department of Clinical Medicine in Oxford say they have found what they call a candidate gene which they think is likely to make someone vulnerable to asthma .
30 The chapter begins by contrasting norm- and Criterion-referenced assessment , the former placing candidates relative to other candidates and the latter placing them relative to a description of performance — a criterion statement .
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