Example sentences of "[adj] [verb] [art] next [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 If you have difficulty crossing the cables , in that some yarns are very stiff and resist crossovers , you may find it easier to work the next row of knitting by hand .
2 You half expect the next song to start anyway because there are batteries in it , but , instead : silence .
3 This happened the next day , and the next until , fed up at seeing my lettuces out again , I decided to investigate .
4 However , it is believed that due to remarks made about ‘ A ’ Flight 's flying capabilities in the Officers ' Mess on the night before the Air Officer Commanding 's ( AOC 'd ) Annual Inspection , this happened the next day .
5 Whether we like it or not , and I must admit I do , Britain is back to two-and-a-bit party politics and Labour is now favourite to win the next election .
6 This finds the next instance of the search text .
7 All Marr really knew was that Morrissey had written a book about The New York Dolls and was quite prepared to spend the next hour talking about them if nothing else was to stem from the meeting .
8 No one was willing to take the next step .
9 Indeed , the signs are that while the politicians and the bureaucrats continue wrangling over the fine print , young people are ready and willing to take the next step into Europe .
10 Subjects press a button as soon as they have read the currently available word or words , and this makes the next word or words available .
11 This makes the next term in the potential , containing the quadrupole moment of the source , the important one in generating gravitational waves .
12 This to make the next rectangle simpler to specify .
13 In those days a man would run in about half past eleven at night and he could very well be on an early shift the next day .
14 The main menu ( fig 6 ) presents some options additional to starting the text analysis , and figure 7 shows the next screen where a request is made for input specifying the required forms of output and the text file specification .
15 He told a Labour Co-ordinating Committee rally that it was not enough for Labour to win the next election .
16 Robin Cook , the party 's health spokesman , who retained his executive seat by coming second , said the vote showed the degree to which the party wanted to elect people who devoted their energies to helping Labour to win the next election .
17 In particular , will your erstwhile political columnist , R W Johnson , apologise for the appalling piece of sexism that appeared in NSS ( under a previous editor ) on 7 December 1990 , when he suggested that the only way for Labour to win the next election would be for Glenys Kinnock to ‘ have a word ’ with Neil and persuade him to stand down ?
18 On the basis of this argument , however , were Labour to win the next election on the numerical strength of MPs returned from Scotland , he would then have to agree that Labour have no mandate in England !
19 You see , sometimes you turn these over , it puts ideas into your head , you see you 're not supposed to see the next card .
20 The leadership challenge occurred against a background of economic recession — including rising unemployment and high interest rates — and consistent opinion poll evidence that the ALP was likely to lose the next election .
21 We thus have the typical " skip " instruction ; If the condition is true skip the next instruction ; if it is false execute the next instruction On a single-address computer ( such as the DEC PDP- 10 ) we may find conditional jumps on a test of the contents of an accumulator , or on a comparison of two accumulators , but conditional skips on a test of the contents of a store location , or on a comparison of an accumulator with a store location .
22 Only three attended the next meeting on 21st September , at which it was resolved to take steps to reduce the quorum from five to three , and the meeting adjourned ; two weeks later , however , steps had not been taken — in the absence of a quorum , of course , it was impossible — and the meeting had again to be adjourned with only four present .
23 He will by only 31 come the next World Cup .
24 He borrows Grayson 's typewriter , with which he rewrites the paper he is due to give the next day ( scene ten ) .
25 I put in when I planted the garden because I thought that would be useful to know the next year .
26 As you can imagine there were a lot of champagne bottles opened that night , but perhaps the most pleasurable glass of all came the next morning from the bottle in Peter Wycherley 's office at the headquarters of Dunlop Slazenger who are my main sponsors .
27 The object of the game is to bring together similar shapes ( triangles , squares , etc. ) making them disappear — destroy all to reach the next level .
28 We all spent the next day together .
29 It all started the next day .
30 Yes , the band 's very happy — we all think the next LP is the best record we 've ever made . ’
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