Example sentences of "[adj] [verb] [noun] at [art] " in BNC.

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1 It is not possible to obtain data at a sufficiently disaggregated level to confirm this argument , but it is consistent with the data that are available .
2 Mike Gatting was very disappointing , with only 266 runs in eight Test innings at an average of 33.25 and a dreadful 7.66 in six one-day innings .
3 Due to sudden and unexpected problems the last Q.T. day had to have a shortened and condensed programme and it was not possible to provide tea at the end of the day .
4 Substantial numbers of assistants wanted training in specific skills , particularly behaviour management and first aid , and about half regarded attendance at a training course on the general role of the assistant as important .
5 The bishops will be prepared to confirm children at a rather younger age so that they may be admitted earlier to the communicant life .
6 A complete set of insurance markets would allow risk to be transferred from those who dislike risk to those who are prepared to bear risk at a price .
7 The ANC indicated that it was prepared to meet Inkatha at a multiparty meeting in the context of the National Peace Accord [ see p. 38422 ] , but expressed unwillingness to hold bilateral talks , arguing that previous meetings had failed to produced effective results [ see pp. 37951-52 ] .
8 Even in the early days , when wage differentials between the two cities were not great , the Edinburgh compositors were considered by their Glasgow colleagues to be lacking in spirit : " The printers [ i.e. compositors ] of Edinburgh had the unenviable reputation of being willing to accept work at a reduced rate in almost any town in the United Kingdom before 1840 . "
9 This increases competition at the retail level , all other things being equal , compared with the no-restraint position , and so reduces retail margins ( see Waterson , 1990 ) .
10 Like most package holidays , this includes breakfast at the hotel , but any other meals are additional to the quoted price .
11 Brain Game 1993 takes place at The Brewery , Chiswell Street , EC1 .
12 This takes place at a time prearranged to be mutually convenient .
13 From the beginning of the fourth year , and especially for as long as pupils were legally free to leave school at the end of that year , very much more definite choices were made : ‘ Newsom ’ courses for those who were to leave , examination courses for most of the rest , with many decisions then to be taken about which subjects to drop , and which to pursue .
14 Yet during their tenure of office both have had to deal with a Russia now run by an apparently liberally minded head of government who has come to the conference table willing to reduce arms at a rate that the West sometimes finds embarrassing .
15 Meanwhile Aussie coach John Dorahy will stick to the best of British to keep Wigan at the top of the Rugby League world .
16 In the first place this meant action at the United Nations .
17 In early Rome this took place at the old New Year which was in March — the Ides of March to be precise .
18 As a great movie fan , each year I try and keep a fortnight clear to spend time at the Birmingham International Film and Television Festival .
19 Few see light at the end of the tunnel , whatever the election result .
20 Developing an understanding of sexual need lies at the heart of the counselling process .
21 He did not become less willing to relinquish office during those forty-eight hours of crisis ; but he did become less willing to relinquish office at the behest of Arthur Henderson .
22 From Corran , it is possible to reach Kinlochhourn at the head of the loch by a footpath climbing around the steep hill rising behind .
23 I 'm just about due to cause havoc at a meeting of the passenger Health and Safety Committee anyway . ’
24 Sales are going very well and Professor Jones was delighted to see copies at every location he visited in Brittany last summer .
25 We did not offer the all-day hospitality of previous years but were delighted to see members at the tea parties we organised , and enjoyed chatting with visitors to our stand in the Women in the Rural Community tent .
26 The firm has been campaigning since November 1991 to receive results at the same time as the Japanese press — a privilege denied it because it is not a member of the Tokyo Stock Exchange press club , where securities companies post earnings announcements in members ' pigeon-holes .
27 The same applies where the accused gets petrol at a self-service station .
28 Added to this , three so-called responsible members of Her Majesty 's Opposition ( Labour ) saw fit to impute that Profumo had arranged to ship Miss Keeler abroad so as to render her unavailable to give evidence at the Old Bailey trial of her coloured lover .
29 From then on , with the visitors seemingly content to waste time at every opportunity in the hope of keeping the scoreline respectable , the expected increase in Scotland 's lead failed to materialise .
30 For some goods it may be appropriate to permit cancellation at no charge provided sufficiently long notice is given .
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