Example sentences of "[adj] [verb] [adv] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 A full council meeting is due to go ahead with the formality of passing the decision taken in January by members of Durham County Council 's social services committee .
2 That failed far from the surface .
3 Potentially the same criticism can be levelled at the discussions of monetary union as that made above regarding the SEM , i.e. EC politicians are proceeding to adopt policies which are very vague in their analysis of spatial considerations .
4 It may seem petty to distinguish between the plural and singular form , and therefore unnecessary to include both in the index .
5 Walter Heape , a reader in zoology and an anti-suffragist , writing at the end of the century , exulted in a description of menstruation which wallowed in gore , a picture of devastation , rupture , torn membranes , ‘ from which it would hardly seem possible to heal satisfactorily without the aid of surgical treatment ’ …
6 The form is very similar to that recommended recently by the BMA .
7 However , it should be recognised that while it is possible to analyse costs retrospectively to the individual patient , it is not possible to plan prospectively for the individual patient .
8 I have little to report here for the station is closed .
9 All round , an interesting tool , that sits comfortably in the hand , is kind to the elbow , and does n't cost an arm and a leg .
10 That sits oddly with the fact that the board was reconstituted as recently as May 1990 and has been rationalised , streamlined and reinvigorated since that date .
11 So now he sat there , his napkin tucked around his chin , smiling gently : a mild-natured , weak , weakened old man , loyal to his bully of a wife , glad to be included , glad Shirley had n't found it all too much for her , grateful to sit there in the warmth of the nice oil-fired 1970s central heating .
12 The testator has not regulated the case of the death of the second son childless : the condition on the trust in favour of his brother ( or rather now that brother 's heir ) is not satisfied , since that applied only to the brother to die first , if childless ; nor , since the first did not die childless , is the condition on the trust in favour of the granddaughter satisfied .
13 The Standing Committee on Postgraduate Medical Education is due to report soon to the secretary of state for health on how staff in NHS teaching hospitals can be helped to teach better .
14 I am a Labour supporter with many friends carrying cards , and , despite having observed the ‘ anti-Labour virulence ’ of the SNP , I do want Labour to come together with the Nats , the Liberals , the Greens , the Unions , the churches , the mosques , the synagogues , Uncle Tom Cobbley and all .
15 I think that covers most of the items in the agreement , erm , with some identification of new work that needs to be done during the year , but recognizing that during the course of the year , we have succeeded in following the main points from the agreement that was , was put forward er , I think , it was December this time last year .
16 That stopped obviously during the war ?
17 That stands away from the wall .
18 That owes much to the long prosperity of California 's economy and its ( until now ) robust property market .
19 that one there that 's advertised on telly , that looks all round the
20 It is not only impossible to theorize fruitfully on the basis of abstract relations which are nothing but abstract relations , but it is only possible to theorize fruitfully on the basis of abstract relations that refer directly to observable phenomena in material reality .
21 According to the Scottish Agriculture and Fisheries Department , the cadmium level was only slightly higher than that found naturally in the area .
22 I left the motorway system east of the centre of Birmingham and , with my map of the area open beside me , headed into the grey and depressing urban blight that lies to the south of the city or , rather , that lies all around the city .
23 Each owes much to the other , but one will be the more popular .
24 To my mind none of the evidence , general or specific adds much to the inherent probability that men and women of a certain age will be inclined by nature to favour the status quo .
25 Excavation beneath this mosaic has shown the mortar beneath the central -roundel to be of a different character to that used elsewhere in the pavement ( Goodburn pers. comm. ) : the overall picture , therefore , suggests two workmen , or ( less probably given the remarkable variety of the meander ) one workman using " acquired " sections of prefabricated mosaic .
26 The second axillary articulates partly with the preceding sclerite and , as a rule , partly with the base of the radius ( see p. 60 ) .
27 The creative way of handling tensions is to be prepared to forgive right from the beginning .
28 Though civilization crumbles , let those who are civilized remain so to the end !
29 The best leys , such as the alignment of the Devil 's Arrows standing stones in Yorkshire with the Thornborough Henges , pass their tests well , but the statistical models used are still not entirely adequate to cope fully with the real distribution of sites in the landscape .
30 This fits well with the pain-avoiding hedonistic and utilitarian elements of modern consumerism .
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