Example sentences of "[adj] [verb] [coord] [prep] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 This failed and with prosecutions under the Combination Acts being set in train , the frustrated knitters turned again to frame breaking which continued spasmodically to 1816 .
2 ‘ It 's heartbreaking when anything like this happens but at Christmas it seems especially cruel . ’
3 I mean , it 's like like Colin and I , I mean , like we 're happy but then , no were not hundred per cent happy at all , But like , er , like some people I ca n't if you get upset , some people eat more , some people eat less , or you know , some go into recluse , some get and like Colin ,
4 This facilitates and in part constitutes the challenge of the perverse :
5 It takes time for this to develop and for people to recognise that they are partly responsible .
6 With this achieved and with Rodrigo again in command of Valencia , the cards were dealt for the last hand between the Champion of Spain and the wily Moorish Emir .
7 It is clearly marked , easy to use and at £59.00 remarkably cheap .
8 And it might say do not dry clean and the customer has it dry cleaned and of course the garment is very likely going to be ruined .
9 Where work was available near home it was rural based and by choice farmers ' sons and part-time farmers sought to be self-employed to allow a greater flexibility for the farm work .
10 It was , of course , by far a situation too good to last and in time , gazing down the glen , a solitary figure was spied struggling up the brae — without a kit-bag — the WAAFs identified their squadron officer ( known as Belladonna ) apparently about to make her first call on her troops in the wild , I was never able at first hand to witness this airmen 's paradise but it is a story that passed the rounds at Kinloss .
11 What about fourteen dip and under school osc
12 A neat move resulted in Kelly 's volley , good to watch but off target .
13 Lord Denning recognised that " in our constitutional theory Parliament is supreme but he saw the judges as the real " guardians of our constitution " and he felt that they ought to be able to pronounce on the validity of the conventions and " ought to have a power of judicial review of legislation similar to that in the United States : whereby the judges can set aside statutes which are contrary to our unwritten constitution — in that they are repugnant to reason or to fundamentals " .
14 … to some people , especially those vulnerable to fear and to pain , there sometimes seems no refuge , no support .
15 Well the new Filbert Street taking shape the five million pound main stand official open since our last visit here and when the lower tier is completed by the end of the year the stand will house about ten thousand people all seated and under cover .
16 Thank you very much well it 's always a pleasure to hear of about the Seamanship Foundation and I 'm sure that , as you might be saying , and er the need for the foundation 's fundraising will be rather heightened this year as a result of last year 's drop but I 'm equally sure that you will get a tremendous amount of support from the members and on that note which I think is er also is an important method of concentrating our priorities and on the basis of we 're extremely lucky to be able to pursue a really very enjoyable pastime with relatively few problems and that if we can get those opportunities to many more , who would otherwise not be able to enjoy and in fact frequently do n't get to enjoy any other pastime , we should endeavour to do so and consider ourselves lucky that we can .
17 But we could say that in any marriage it is important for both partners to be able to contain and at times to say ‘ enough is enough ’ .
18 It is also seen as a way in to paid CAB work for black workers who might not normally be economically able to volunteer but through circumstances beyond their control find that they have no choice .
19 Neither was able to brake and in seconds both vanished over the top of an ice cliff , falling on to the seracs below .
20 Then of course the there were area combat missions , area missions but these had nothing to do er with the work training I think that and I did and in developing of our crews so that we were able to survive and of course er our mission that we thought that would probably be the same as was on the fourteenth when we went to Schweinfurt and we made it back and not only that but we got back to England , we 'd manage on about the third pass to get in to this one field and there was another plane trying to get in and they went up and bailed out and after we were eating our supper here they brought the men in the fields er where they , on the bombers ' field where they had landed the never got in so they went up and set the plane on automatic pilot and bailed out because they could n't land the plane but we managed to take them out and I think there was the extra good flying training and I did together that made us able to survive the savage attacks that we had , he had it on the Munster mission , I had it on the Schweinfurt mission .
21 The certificate in International Freight Movement Documentation ( CIFMD ) is an award produced in conjunction with Freight Train intended for those working or on work placements in the Freight Industry .
22 Erm , he did have the right to that trial for erm what the previous offence before taking conveyance which was a clock taken without the owner 's consent and previous offence before that taking but in order to reduce costs right mainly because they also want at the same time to remove the right for theft ah and they failed .
23 It is admitted that the object of the preliminary issue was to save time and money ; the compromise issue and the cancellation required to be decided in any event and if first decided and in favour of the respondents would render unnecessary any further expenditure of time and money .
24 And the social base of a governing elite can be open or closed , but is always susceptible to challenge or to displacement by a counter-elite : ‘ History is the graveyard of aristocracies ’ ( Pareto , 1966 , p. 249 ) .
25 In the Hawaiian , glass fibre tube battens stretch the sail across its chord , front to rear and in flight they form an angular camber so that there is a deep vee centre body , while the outer panels could be described as flat .
26 Upper Halling had its own ice cream made at the Black Boy by Jesse Crowhurst and Ernie Pankhurst , this would be made at weekends then loaded on to a hand card and pushed either up to Red Kill or to Birling Bank , where they would sell approx. 5–6 gallons on a Sunday .
27 Any of these devices could obviously offer more attractive price incentives were they mass produced but at present fairly small amounts are being spent on wave energy research , which has , so far , not caught the imagination of large investors whether government or private , in the same way as , for instance , nuclear fusion .
28 Sutton 's writings are difficult to identify and to date , and some have in the past been confused with writings of Thomas Aquinas .
29 Although such inferences are not always logically entirely unimpeachable , given the above premisses , the pluralist case becomes difficult to defend and on balance the only reasonable option seems to be Spinoza 's own unitarist alternative , viz. that there is only one substance which is in fact identical with the whole of reality , and that the only plurality there is or can be is the plurality of " attributes and modifications " .
30 These are only a few of the choices before them , but even these are very difficult to prioritize and at times some of them must be sacrificed at the expense of others in this play .
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