Example sentences of "[adj] [verb] [prep] [noun sg] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 May as the Wardens are due to go on holiday shortly .
2 The text , which is due to go before parliament shortly , charges the central bank with ensuring price stability ‘ in the framework of the government 's general economic policy ’ .
3 By this means it is also possible to plan in advance approximately how much of each crop will be grown to meet your needs .
4 It does indeed get dark at a sensible time so it 's possible to go to bed before about one in the morning .
5 But — ‘ time waits for no man ’ and that goes for woman too — bombarded as she is with ever new vogues , ever changing fads and fashions — constantly confronted with remonstrations to be ‘ with it ’ and keep up to date .
6 Right , that goes in upside down like that .
7 I thought — Oh , I was confused , I suppose , not quite believing it was possible to fall in love so swiftly .
8 Mind you , that covers with paper like in n it really .
9 But when you hear some of the songs , you must think , ‘ That really worked ; yes I 'm glad that I had that bit of inspiration there ’ ?
10 Tomorrow two servicemen from Hullavington are due to appear in court again charged in connection with the fire .
11 A 20-year-old Frenchman is due to appear in court today charged with robbery , making threats to kill , attempted kidnap and possession of a weapon .
12 Lee Staines from Milton Keynes is due to appear in court tomorrow .
13 Erm , the first point relates to erm affordable housing targets in York , and the consequences that that has in relation not only to York but other areas , on the on the assumption that that there is , there has to be an overspill to adjou adjacent areas .
14 The offshore wind scheme , due to come on stream early next year , is currently being built off Vindeby , on Lolland Island in the Baltic Sea .
15 Because the reasons against the acceptance of authority vary it is not possible to discover in advance how strong the reasons for acceptance of the authority need be to be sufficient .
16 A possible ( relatively ) benign explanation might be presented for GPs ' failure to pursue a non compulsory route : that women , whose conventional role involves running the home and family , would be less willing to go into hospital precisely because of their feelings of responsibility for others in the home .
17 This refers to job rather than employing industry but is very long and complicated owing to world-wide coverage .
18 I am very glad that all three of these people are willing to stand for office again .
19 In the past year he had been restraining the army and trying for a political settlement ; and there have been signs that Tamil extremists may be prepared to talk about autonomy rather than secession .
20 He took another sup of wine reflectively .
21 Of the white woman 's negrophobic fear of rape by the black man Fanon asks : ‘ Basically does this fear of rape not itself cry out for rape ?
22 Er twenty four address I suppose I 'd better put the house in there I bet I 'm not gon na get this finished in time now .
23 This sprang to mind yesterday upon hearing of Vermont Harmony .
24 He had chosen this woman specifically because she was the sort she was — a simple type , immediately responsive to the baby , no outside involvements , so she was free to give her entire time to him , willing to do without time off while the baby was still on the breast , and not expecting the massive salary most women would want for a job like this .
25 Daylight and ordinary tungsten light do not mix together very well photographically ; on the other hand , fluorescent light is often used in kitchens and this mixes with daylight better than tungsten if ‘ daylight ’ tubes are in use , in which case set the camcorder white balance to the ‘ daylight ’ preset if you have the choice .
26 Is this based on TV then or ?
27 Why now should they be prepared to recognise as Messiah precisely the imperial authority which , three centuries before , had crucified Jesus — and which continued to practise execution by crucifixion on rebels against the State ?
28 Difficult though ‘ adequacy ’ was to define , this meant in practice not only improved institutions but also that , contrary to much previous practice , out-door relief once given should be sufficient for ‘ decent living ’ , whether granted in cash or kind .
29 Inevitably , therefore , even within one category , some patients are more severely ill than others , some have more complications , some respond to treatment better than others , etc , etc .
30 Leaflet NI 105 explains in detail how to go about this .
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