Example sentences of "[adj] [noun] ' [noun] [vb past] " in BNC.

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1 In Sweden , for instance , a strong employers ' confederation enforced managerial prerogatives from the early years of the present century , prerogatives which were also supported by the legal framework until the law was changed in 1977 ( see Chapter 7 ) .
2 Rather a dreary , grey looking place not very eye catching to me but that did n't matter the next eight hours ' driving did .
3 European nations ' telecoms continued to depend on a consensual grouping of a few powerful interests .
5 At about 7.30 p.m. , after two and a half hours ' sleep curled up on the floor of the trench , I made my way out of the orchard and on to the road .
6 Henley has always been popular with visitors and societies , and in 1935 the British Racing Drivers ' Club came , arranged by Henley Member J.A .
7 A spokesman for the British Bankers ' Association said : ‘ It is a little premature for us to take a view on it .
8 Consumers repaid a substantial amount of debt and the amount of consumer credit outstanding from UK banks was actually less than a year ago , Lord Inchyra , the director-general of the British Bankers ' Association said yesterday .
9 In the year to December Japanese workers received a wage increase of 6.3% , equivalent to a real rise of 2.4% ; British workers ' pay rose by 9.8% , a real increase of only 0.5% .
10 Nick Musgrave , secretary and chief executive of the Thoroughbred Breeders ' Association said : ‘ This is a very positive move in the right direction . ’
11 I collected the mats from Relum Ltd of Saxmundham , Suffolk , on Friday the 15th along with 400 pre-packed campers ' meals made available by Relum free of charge .
12 This officers ' group lasted for the duration of the occupation , which is to say , for six years , though most of its leaders were caught and executed in the course of the war .
13 This practitioners ' society functioned until 1835 , when it was dissolved because of poor attendance by its members , while the College 's society continued to exist .
14 SCOTTISH lawyers ' leaders made a blistering attack on changes to the civil legal aid system yesterday , declaring that access to justice for about 250,000 people will be severely restricted .
15 Even the teenage mothers ' infants had good chances of surviving the first year of life , if their fathers were 25–29 years old .
16 In reply to an enquiry by the Commission , the Federation of Cathedral Old Choristers ' Associations sent a questionnaire to its member associations , in order to gauge the involvement of former cathedral choristers in the life of the Church .
17 GOVERNMENT must act on quotas for suckler cows and breeding ewes which threaten the future of the landlord tenant system , the Scottish Landowners ' Federation claimed yesterday .
18 Solid , castellated , and colonnaded for much of its length , it suddenly takes off into a free-flowing fantasy of spires and spirelets , as if two different architects ' designs had got mixed up on the drawing-board .
19 The Old Stopfordians ' Association had been trying for many years to raise sufficient money to build the Pavilion , and indeed had sold the Harrison Towns field some three years previously for this very reason .
20 The Old Stopfordians ' Association had decided to use some of the proceeds from its sale of the Harrison-Towns field to build squash-courts , and the Parents ' Association was about to launch an Appeal to raise money for a swimming pool , the lack of which had been bemoaned since the move to Buxton Road .
21 To commemorate the event in more permanent fashion , the Old Stopfordians ' Association presented one hundred guineas to buy an organ .
22 Her parents Robert and Carol joined in the hunt , which ended on Boxing Day when a man walking his dog in a nearby lovers ' lane found Johanna 's black trainers in a hedge .
23 The Women 's Fellowship organized various 1- and 2-day shops and the Old Boys ' Choir gave a concert .
24 By the end of the year numbers had risen still further to 109 , and an Old Boys ' Association had been formed .
25 So the school continued , and the old boys ' magazine continued as well .
26 A Foreign Ministers ' meeting had been held , in preparation for the Bishkek summit , in Minsk ( Byelarus ) on Sept. 8 .
27 The badges of honour he sports on his veteran 's beret when he goes dining for the old soldiers ' vote gave his plea a sort of authority .
28 When the Social Services ' Committee raised concerns about basic definitions for collaborative working and about the apparent overlap between the care programme approach and care management , the Secretary of State for Health referred them to Community Care in the Next Decade and Beyond — Policy Guidance .
29 In a long-awaited move , the former Social Democrats ' leader endorsed John Major as the best man to fight Britain 's corner against moves towards a federal Europe .
30 He believed as Lionel Curtis did that Indians ' souls had to be renovated before they were fit to govern : he deeply shocked the American journalist William Shirer by announcing that ‘ Self-government … is inconceivable and unattainable without the removal of untouchability , as it also is without Hindu-Moslem unity … we shall be unfit to gain independence so long as we keep in bondage a fifth of the population of Hindustan . ’
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