Example sentences of "[adj] [noun] in [art] way " in BNC.

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1 more imaginative domestic architecture , with that freakishness in the way of turrets , balconies and other appendages familiar to those of us who were raised , as I was , in seaside towns in southern England .
2 It would have guaranteed a complete change in the way things were run at Westminster .
3 Now there 's a word I 'm going to use right now which is a technical term in a way and that is is er the technical term for the study of language and how we speak the word what we say and how we say it .
4 There was little emotion in the way she spoke , merely a statement of fact .
5 In sum , the association with other harems function in sexual defence in a way that is closely analogous to defence against predators .
6 Perhaps the least interesting is the possibility that the change of context modifies the way in which the CS is perceived , either because of some change in the physical nature of the signal ( the properties of an auditory cue , for instance , are likely to change according to the shape of the space in which it is presented ) or because there is some change in the way the cue impinges on the animal ( if different contexts promote different patterns of orienting behaviour , the same cue , defined physically , may be experienced differently in the contexts ) .
7 I shall tell this trick in the way I saw our illustrator Ali Bongo perform it on television .
8 I do n't think I reacted to this story in the way Stuart expected .
9 Their meaning is such that they are to be distinguished from various other " if " statements , that they have certain logical properties , and that they are entailed by independent nomic conditionals together with further premisses in a way derived from the antecedents of the latter conditionals .
10 Erm and I do not detect talking to colleagues say on the right of the party , any great enthusiasm for this measure in the way it 's presently er designed .
11 And his formal split from Diana clears the decks for a marked change in the way he and Camilla , 44 , conduct their friendship .
12 The Migration period which intervened between the decline of Rome and the emergence of European nations witnessed a marked change in the way garnets were used to embellish gold work .
13 The scheme did not operate entirely as anticipated : the main departure was that there were some clients for whom the development officers provided no support , either because they were admitted immediately to institutional care ( and the development officers could not always influence this decision in the way they would have liked ) or because the clients did not need or want the services of the project .
14 And the popularity of yesterday 's event means that another hurdle in the way of Sunday racing has been successfully cleared .
15 The lyrics which are found in preaching manuals like the Fasisculus Morum and Speculum Christiani or are specifically written or collected by Franciscans like James Ryman , William Herebert and John Grimestone both encapsulate essentials of the Franciscan teaching in a way calculated to catch the imagination and stir the emotions , and incorporate standard interpretations of the meaning of Scripture .
16 There are manifest dangers in the way a relative norm is chosen , but once it is accepted that relative validity is all we can aim at these need not worry us unduly .
17 We have taken action to ensure that we come out of this recession in a way that will ensure sustained recovery .
18 What is more , the narrator can be seen to strike a ridiculous pose within this text in a way supposedly omitted from the Anglo-Norman fabliaux : drawing attention to himself with his unnecessary , insincere or ignored apostrophes .
19 That development entailed a recognition that the concentration upon language by the school of logical positivism , within which Ayer 's dismissal of religious belief emerged , might not so much show up the meaninglessness of theology as elicit its own particular logic Wittgenstein 's thought appears to show a progression from concentrating upon language in order to exclude certain forms of thought — as in Ayer 's exclusion of metaphysics — towards concentrating upon language in order to make sense of those different forms in a way that was sensitive to their particular nature .
20 The apple juice speeded the fibre-stripped apple through the mouth and stomach and also raised the blood-sugar level in a way which led to the rebound hunger factor described in a previous chapter .
21 To start with , Marx was not interested in scientific prediction in the way that physics , astronomy or modern economics are concerned with prediction , but with what Professor Sir Karl Popper so aptly terms ‘ large scale historical prophecy ’ .
22 The vast majority from the most senior consultant to the most junior nurse worked long hours and responded to daily emergencies in a way that was an object lesson to us all .
23 Thus , in February 1981 , in the face of a series of lightning strikes in parts of the coal industry , notably in the Welsh mining valleys , the government had to retreat and extend a subsidy for this struggling industry in a way totally at variance with its basic philosophy .
24 Britain needs a Labour government , which will back British industry in the way our competitors back theirs .
25 Is he aware that the parent company , which was nationalised as part of a French and Italian consortium , has threatened to remove the transputer from this country because of the British Government 's failure to support British industry in the way that the French and Italian Governments have ?
26 Integrating some of the Public Schools in the way proposed would eventually cost about £12m. each year , and £6.1m. in the short term : these plans would now be in open competition with the proposals of the Newsom and Plowden Reports , at a time when severe economies were being applied to public expenditure .
27 Further , the original theory of nationalization put forward by the Attlee Government after 1945 stressed that corporations should be free to take commercial risks in a way that would be inappropriate for government departments .
28 It is expected that this study will demonstrate the importance of symbolisation , categorisation and social relationships in the way people construct ideas about food and health .
29 Letterman sees the role of historical adviser in the way that he sees the role of writer , only less so .
30 Christianity is then a historical religion in a way in which religion need not necessarily be historical .
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