Example sentences of "[adj] [noun] in [noun] to " in BNC.

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1 Parliamentary opposition groups were also active in the anti-government protests , but their focus was on political regrouping following their defeat in the May 1990 elections , parliamentary opposition to government policies and political manoeuvring in response to NSF proposals to involve them in a government coalition .
2 IBM claims that the Power/4 implements a unique parallel processing architecture , with memory bottlenecks reduced by the use of local memory for each processor in addition to shared system memory , eliminating the need for continuous updating of the cache for each processor unless the data is actually shared .
3 There is a growing tendency for brokers to offer a range of services encompassing personal financial planning , tax planning , insurance planning , and private banking in addition to discretionary and advisory portfolio management .
4 It is therefore usual for the offer letter to contain a clause permitting the investor , its accountants and other professional advisers to conduct due diligence in relation to the target business .
5 Building societies report that net new commitments in February — the amount of new mortgages in the pipeline — rose 75 per cent on the depressed level in January to £2.72 billion .
6 Meanwhile Ceauşescu became convinced , in common with other East European states in hock to Western bankers , that credit was being used as a political weapon and that Reagan intended to finance his rearmament through the interest due on their loans .
7 The cell gets used to damming the flood of drug-induced noise in order to be able to deal with the faint whispers of reality that float on top of it .
8 Is it not clear from today 's awful rise in unemployment to more than 2.5 million that the recession is continuing ?
9 The question is designed to see how well you understand the significance of that part in relation to the whole topic ( explaining the decline of the Liberal party 1906–24 ) .
10 A low reserve level in relation to annual imports or debt obligations could signify future problems .
11 They are particularly intercsting because they produce several calls and each call is specific to a particular type of predator : a low grunt in response to eagles , a high chutter in response to snakes like pythons and a rather pure tone in response to leopards .
12 Perhaps the most striking have been the experiments that show that the presence of the neutral weak interaction in addition to the electromagnetic interaction does indeed lead to a parity violation in electron proton scattering and in certain transitions in heavy atoms .
13 We appear to be selfish , cynical creatures ; our greatest ambition in relation to rules of behaviour is to get other people to obey them so that our own cheating is even more productive .
14 May I say that it seems incredible that , in the light of all that is known about the unreliability of uncorroborated confessions in police custody , there should be those in Northern Ireland who are attempting to defend that practice in relation to the notorious Castlereagh ?
15 General Sir Douglas Haig ( 1861–1928 ) took command of the British Expeditionary Force in succession to Sir John French on 10 December 1915 .
16 This retrospective study aimed to analyse the survival of patients with an adenocarcinoma in columnar lined oesophagus in relation to surgical treatment , staging , and the differentiation grade of the tumour .
17 Importantly , the test relates separately to each investment in relation to which the customer is to be treated as an expert , and previous dealings in the investment concerned may not in fact be necessary .
18 January : Jan. 22 : European Parliament voted to suspend US$1,500 million of food and technical aid in response to Soviet crackdown in the Baltic states ; Jan. 22-23 : Japanese Foreign Minister Taro Nakayama in Moscow for talks with Bessmertnykh and Gorbachev .
19 The Games Administration Committee , who sometime ago reiterated their determination to take strong action in relation to off the ball incidents , have obviously decided that Carr 's action merited severe censure .
20 Because , while being regressed , the patient is well aware of his or her present-day persona in addition to the previous one , Myra found it very distressing to think that she had been so happy to go along with all Hugh 's demands .
21 The clinical symptoms varied from mild disease with little blood in stools to more active disease with frequent diarrhoea with blood and mucus in all stools .
22 For an example of innovative action in relation to norms we can return to the couple we met earlier .
23 Made in a number of sizes , including extremely large carpets , they feature a range of traditional Spanish and modern European designs in addition to more Persian and Anatolian-inspired schemes .
24 All agreed in attributing this prosperity to the family farm : the homestead caserío was praised by every agricultural reformer in contrast to the settlement more typical of Spain — the agrarian village or small town in which the cultivator lived far from his fields .
25 Teachers , university professors and students have provided much of the intellectual leadership for the political organizations in opposition to the regime .
26 Does he agree that it is time we had a real clampdown on the possession of firearms throughout society , remembering that the problem will not be cured unless the Home Office takes strenuous action in relation to the legal as well as the illegal holding of firearms ?
27 This change in attitude to the newspaper had many important repercussions .
28 Britain 's High Commissioner and ambassadors of the United States and other countries were called to the Foreign Ministry in Valletta to be told .
29 Now these and similar comments would require careful scrutiny if the thrust of the argument were to the effect that Parliament could not have intended to establish an inquisitorial régime of this kind in relation to serious or complex fraud alone .
30 Some have attributed it to the old French torques in reference to Turkey by way of which the stone reached Europe , and others to the Persian word piruzeh .
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