Example sentences of "[adj] [noun] of the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Unrepentant , Palmer shifted his ground to an attack on the format of the Annual Estimates of Nigeria , which he developed into a campaign for the complete decentralization of the Treasury Department .
2 They opened premises in the most prestigious part of the town .
3 Viewed from space , the normal progress of the survey ship was like the passage of a comet .
4 The dispute within Solidarity reached its height during the June 29-July 1 meeting of the Solidarity citizens ' committees in Warsaw , at which some observers feared a complete break-up of the union , and at which Michnik publicly appealed to Walesa to step back from a potentially ruinous confrontation with the government .
5 With a feeling of having been unexpectedly let out of school , I drove over the hills on the road to Reading and coasted along the unfenced part of the Quillersedge Estate until I thought I 'd come more or less to where Gareth had dropped the paint : parked off the road there and searched more closely for the place on foot .
6 This chapter seeks to offer a broad description of the eurobond market ; an economic analysis of its behaviour , microstructure and reasons for location in London ; and an assessment of certain key issues relating to prospects for the eurobond market and its location in London .
7 you got yo would have to take and hour or take two hours , or take three hours and if you take up to three hours or if you got three separate hours that was detention and if we were in our in the junior part of the school in the first three forms erm , you then had to go into school on Saturday morning .
8 Most welcomed the general conclusion that " in the longer term , environmental pressures will operate against coal as a primary source of energy " , although many expressed disappointment that the government had not undertaken a more far-reaching assessment of the country 's energy needs and their environmental impact .
9 Many were , therefore , in positions to take economic advantage of the transport system , which connected them not only with each other but also with major centres .
10 They say the nature and demands of the job ‘ may necessitate you working at times other than your normal hours of the week ’ .
11 And as he watched , not really wanting to see but unable to tear his eyes away , he heard the death cart coming , trundling through the empty streets with the hooded ghouls of the burial squad walking along beside it tolling their bells .
12 Ben grimaced , concentrating , inwardly weighing the feel of the boat against the strong pull of the current .
13 I 'll work in the timid heart of the maid
14 Russian government members , including Foreign Minister Andrei Kozyrev , had opposed holding the debate , fearing the possible intensification of the dispute .
15 Kalm was very impressed by the stoves at Chelsea , ‘ all arranged in the way discribed in Dictionary ’ , and he learned from Miller that two orangeries in England had been burnt by tan overheating ( the fermenting bark of the oak and a by-product from the tanning industry ) .
16 This is a decline in the normal function of the mind .
17 Here are represented the ‘ International Gothic ’ style of Charles IV 's court — a style that even influenced artists in that bastion of the Renaissance , Florence ; the Mannerist art of the 16 and early 17C ; and Czech Baroque , whose artists vied with those farther west in their range of subject matter and technique .
18 The economic component of the image was clearly aimed at employers , in particular in industry .
19 By and large , the soil-dwelling enemies of the rose are confined to the several kinds of chafer .
20 The culture of personnel management was essentially subordinate to the technical activities of the organisation ( witness the relative status of personnel and training departments in many industrial and commercial organisations ) .
21 For Marxists , by contrast , the welfare of the masses is not only economically determined but a quantifiable function of the degree of their immiseration .
22 This ninth-century , circular section is the only surviving part of the Abbey built by Charlemagne to enforce Christianity upon the pagan Saxons .
23 The idea of commissioning artists to decorate ceramics in their own individual styles was a tradition first established in the 1770s when Josiah Wedgwood employed the services of noted artists of the time .
24 The press had advance copies of the speech in which he was to defend Marshall , so that his climb-down was plain for all to see when he failed to deliver it .
25 A striking instance of the effect of trade is to be seen in West Africa , where cowries played a key role in cultural life , even though absent from local seas .
26 Political conflicts of the sort which characterize the Northern Ireland problem are of a quite different nature because they are seen as part of a ‘ zero-sum ’ game .
27 Out of the shadows , appeared a grotesque statue of the devil ( thought to be Asmodeus ) supporting a benitier of angels .
28 One of the greatest botanical artists of the period , Georg Dionysius Ehret ( 1708–1770 ) , was related to the Millers by marriage .
29 Since it follows that the overall gain under such feedback conditions is Notice that , in this broad introductory description of the feedback technique , the symbol s has been deliberately introduced to signify any signal current or voltage .
30 Each manager is accountable for the work of his or her sections , departments , shops or whatever name is given to each division of the organisation .
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