Example sentences of "[adj] [noun] up at [art] " in BNC.

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1 That 's the only one that ever I remembered but they were all , and they you know they , they used to graze their horses up there in that field up at the top , and this Billy that used to go round all the district and , and buy up all these old cast horses and bring them up there until he had a consignment gathered up .
2 All right the abbey is in ruins and I doubt whether that impotent old priest up at the Old Rectory has much on offer .
3 ‘ But Louise , ’ she was saying , ‘ I ca n't imagine how that old maid up at the hall could have got to know .
4 ‘ She thinks more of that old maid up at the Hall than she does of me , her own mother , I can assure you of that . ’
5 Chesterton at high school up at the swimming baths he 's classed , it 's nearly up to temperature
6 Then a few soldiers up at the goods store fired into their own men . ’
7 Now there 's a reason why I 've got this view up at the moment , alright .
8 The Doctor cast a dark glance up at the innocently circling drone .
9 But uhum , it sticks , whilst the other one just curls straight back up at the edges did n't it .
10 So if these beggars up at the top it was had been er thought out had a break well er it was alri =right for the others working down in the bottom to have a a break .
11 Sorry I could n't get some basic staples up at the house for your arrival .
12 The moment for which Archie will always be remembered by Palace fans was when he scored our fourth and conclusive goal after a marvellous run from the centre-circle to defeat the FA Cup-holders , Wolves ( 4–2 ) in a thrilling replay up at the old Crystal Palace in January 1909 .
13 She felt him flip the short skirt up at the back , and jerk her knickers down to her knees .
14 Laura had agreed while casting a wry glance up at the roof , on which she had just spent many thousands of pounds .
15 Ten feet up at the threshold the throttles are closed and a token flare made almost incredibly close to the tarmac — the sensation of speed quite exhilarating at 120 knots and two feet — when the soft , forgiving kneeling-knuckle undercarriage absorbs any small residual descent-rate to give a smooth gentle touchdown .
16 Believe me , it is not until you are standing with a bucket of icy water in one hand and a wet sponge in the other , looking twelve feet up at a grubby Beaver , that you start to appreciate just what a big aeroplane it is .
17 Taking a deep breath , she managed a cool smile up at the enigmatic face above her , and took brutal control of her wayward emotions .
18 The wash down would be done with one leg up at a time and an impatient queue waiting behind .
19 ‘ Louise , ’ her mother burst out in irritation , ‘ I will not be dictated to by that lot up at the Mansion .
20 The so-called big men up at the top do n't care about us .
21 ‘ That young Londoner up at the farm , you say ?
22 Then , after a while without having stolen anything , they 'll leave , pausing only to stick two fingers up at the store detective on the way out , ’ he says .
23 Besides the three people trying to catch Angalo there were two humans up at the front .
24 Quickly dragging her gaze from his splendid body , Polly stared with intense concentration up at the mainsail , then down at the compass as embarrassment flamed her face .
25 From down on deck , the cliffs rise up to the sky , quite blotting out the sun ; from 400 feet up at the viewing platform on Contractors Hill the passing tramps , container vessels and car carriers look like toys .
26 Grace Bird , whom he had worked with before and of whom he was fond , spent most nights up at the hospital knitting in the waiting-room while Dotty ministered to poor old Dickie St Ives , and although he respected Mary Deare as a performer — she was possibly the best Peter since Nina Boucicault — she had never been a chum .
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