Example sentences of "[adj] [noun] for quite a " in BNC.

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1 I 've been into this look for quite a while now , I know the rules .
2 PNA Services , for example , offer a regional weekly newspaper distributor service which goes to 700 publications for quite a modest fee .
3 I thought about this conversation for quite a while afterwards .
4 We stare at each other for quite a bit — me and this pigeon .
5 Besides , ’ added Penry with cunning strategy , ‘ if you turn me down we sha n't see each other for quite a while .
6 The new school suffered from a degree of excess capacity for quite a number of years : by 1894 the average attendance was 109 , Miss Harris acting as assistant mistress ; she was shortly replaced by Benjamin 's daughter , Minnie Titford , and they were joined by Miss Maud Reading , the infants ' mistress , as the average attendance rose to a hundred and twenty .
7 I 'm 15 years old and I 've been with my current boyfriend for quite a while .
8 I sit on that bench for quite a while — till it starts getting dark .
9 Clobbered Thank you for one of your funniest features for quite a while ( ‘ Fashion Police ’ , FACE 49 ) .
10 really a continuous , strongish wind to blow in one direction for quite a few hours .
11 ‘ I suppose all the sorting out at the flat will take up the spare time for quite a while .
12 ‘ Not another doctor — I 'd had enough of THAT doctor for quite a bit . ’
13 Delegates are still addressed as brother , sister , or comrade , but this year there are electronic signs in the hall giving the speaker 's name — as there have been at the Conservative conference for quite a while .
14 Back and leg operations may totally immobilise you , or at least prevent you from walking up any stairs for quite a while .
15 I think I 've sat is those auditorium seats in the same format for quite a few years now .
16 This is going to be the last party for quite a bit . ’
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