Example sentences of "[adj] [noun] for the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 I am optimistic now that we 've got a stable base for the next year , and I 'm always optimistic for the year after !
2 Reports continued of tacit Iranian support for the Soviet Moslem republics [ see p. 38409 ] .
3 The range of normal values for the oesophageal pH environment has been derived from previous study of 30 asymptomatic control subjects in this laboratory .
4 It is clear that in both Australia and New Zealand there is a continuing ferment arising from conflicting support for the old or the new .
5 The fact that several provincial towns reported pope-burnings in November 1714 and 1715 should make us question how extensive support for the Jacobite position was at this time .
6 On Feb. 27 the EC Commission agreed on its proposals for agricultural support for the 1991/92 EC agricultural year starting on April 1 .
7 While we 're on the U S , could you say on the oil services er , how much of the er , good performances do you pumps turning round and again what are the prospects of that division for the current year ?
8 The offence is in outline very similar to the pre-existing offence under the Public Order Act 1936 , section 5A , although it adds ‘ behaviour ’ to the list of proscribed activities for the first time .
9 Sixty-two MPs , equally divided between Christians and Muslims , have been in this Saudi resort for the past two weeks examining a ‘ National Reconciliation Charter ’ drafted by Arab League mediators as the basis for a permanent peace .
10 If payments are to be certified the builder 's surveyor may delay the issue of the documentation until the interim certificate for the main contract is received from the architect .
11 In March 1986 a BBC monitor report told of demonstrations in Tehran by students and others , ostensibly Gulf Arab nationals , protesting against Kuwaiti and Saudi support for the Iraqi war effort .
12 Dwyer , however , disagrees : ‘ Sure we have experienced an extremely demanding schedule , particularly over the past year which took in the World Cup , but this provides terrific experience for the younger players . ’
13 Mr Cooney said the reason Northern Ireland had received only £1.04bn European funding for the next seven years , while the Republic got £7.8bn , was because the province did not have its own negotiators in Brussels .
14 They , therefore , form a smaller share of total income for the highest income group .
15 The total income for the average quarter was £50 , rising to £60 or £70 in 1939 .
16 National goals and regional policies for the less-favoured areas also vary and grounds for comparison are difficult to establish and may not be relevant .
17 Do you make distinct sounds for each of the vowels , or do you use pretty well one indeterminate noise for the whole lot ?
18 This has yet to receive a name and will depart from Waterloo again about lighting up time , 18.00 ish , heading for Southampton but via Andover , the Laverstock avoiding line and Romsey so that the locomotive is facing the right direction for the homeward journey .
19 So far , no one has put forward any specific plans for the new network , although a national news and information service , on the lines of London 's LBC , has been mooted .
20 Mr Rawlins announced his intention to leave Sturge at some time in the future towards the end of last year although he had no specific plans for the next step in his career .
21 That is , ’ he added morosely , ‘ until the ravens start pecking them , though they usually leave that bit for the last .
22 The Official Report will show that I said that the Government should take advice from an official of Barclays Bank because , I said , if Barclays Bank was successful with regional reorganisation , the Government should not resist regional reorganisation for the English regions .
23 Split-half reliability for the expressive scales is reported as being between 0.84 and 0.96 , while for the comprehension scales it varies between 0.60 and 0.96 on Scale A , and between 0.46 and 0.95 on Scale B
24 Bolyai University for the Hungarian minority has not been reopened .
25 Most of its 1,033 members have little sympathy for the democratic , capitalist Russia that Boris Yeltsin is trying to create .
26 He has little sympathy for the Arab nationalism that destroyed the Jews of Baghdad and the Christian Assyrians , and he quotes at length from Stephen Bloom 's ‘ almost lyrical ’ account of a Romanian childhood where Germans , Slovaks , Russians , Greeks , Turks , Armenians and Jews provided harmonious diversity .
27 The doctor had little sympathy for the Imperial .
28 His busyness in seeking profitable office suggests little sympathy for the austere ideals of ‘ Thorough ’ : a privy councillor throughout the decade , he had no scruples in gathering a clutch of reversions for his young sons Thomas and Henry ( later first Earl of St Albans , q.v. ) , which inhibited the king 's freedom of appointment in legal , financial , and administrative offices .
29 ‘ But then it was the right decision for the longer term , to bring down inflation .
30 There was another sound , too , a strange noise for the bright time of noonday .
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