Example sentences of "[adj] [noun] as to [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The conclusion is the same : provided the doctor can argue that he was seeking to prevent pain and suffering , the other criteria proposed by Skegg allow for a sufficient degree of subjective assessment as to offer no real barrier to the exercise of the doctor 's paternalism .
2 This kind of evidence does little to suggest that support for new parties is " rational " and based on an informed judgement as to party policy .
3 This is the position with the implied condition as to fitness for purpose ( see paragraph 7–19 below ) and presumably is equally true of the merchantable quality requirement .
4 It was held that there had been a breach of the implied condition as to fitness for purpose , the court refusing to read the word " particular " in s14(3) in the sense of special as opposed to general purpose .
5 The interpretation of building details is a specialised aspect of studying the landscape , but careful recording by drawings or photographs may enable experts to give some guidance as to date or former use .
6 Implied Undertakings as to Quality and Description
7 2 Undertakings as to quality
8 Public expectations as to safety are to be judged as at the time the producer supplied the product in question .
9 We shall examine first the effect of the 1977 Act upon exemption clauses which claim to exempt from liability under the statutory implied terms as to title , description , quality and sample and then its effect upon other exemption clauses .
10 Implied terms as to fitness for human habitation
11 The reason , as will be seen , is that the implied terms as to quality ( in section 14 ) apply only where goods are sold in the course of a business .
12 The caveat emptor doctrine has been mitigated by the implied terms as to quality .
13 There may be important public policy issues which dictate that the implied terms as to quality should extend even to private sellers .
14 ( b ) The implied terms as to quality extend to the goods supplied The undertakings as to quality extend not only to the contract goods but also to other goods supplied under the contract , for example , a defective bottle in the case of a supply of ginger beer ( Morelli v Fitch and Gibbons [ 1928 ] 2 KB 638 ) , or mineral water ( Geddling v March [ 1920 ] 1 KB 668 ) .
15 The protection conferred by the implied terms as to quality also extend to labels and instructions accompanying the product .
16 This does not apply , however , to money ordered to be paid into court , to payments from debtors under warrants , attachment of earnings orders , administration orders and a small number of minor provisions , to some orders as to enforcement , nor where any party is under disability ; in those cases where the court will be taking payments , all other payments will be made direct from debtor to creditor .
17 Prior to the 1983 budget there was widespread public pessimism as to oil self-sufficiency being maintained even into the 1990s .
18 Potential rapists are as likely to read popular newspapers as to view porn videos .
19 Maastricht has presented us — with clear requirements as to content and time — with the following tasks : First : the creation by stages of the economic and currency union on the basis of clear and objective criteria .
20 It depends , however , … entirely on the attitude which we as conquerors adopt towards the conquered , whether we stop the free circulation in the body politic by our institutions or so organise the dependent races as to leave open opportunities for a proper exercise of the social ambitious instinct [ defined previously as the desire to exercise power over others for their own good ] on the part of the individual native leaders so endowed .
21 There was some discussion as to hardship , but that could cut both ways according to whether a large or small part was surrendered , so that hardship was not a matter which could be taken into account .
22 Today s12 of SGA 1979 provides the implied undertaking as to title ( see Chapter 7 ) .
23 ( 7 ) Where an instrument under seal that constitutes a deed is required for the purposes of an Act passed before this section comes into force , this section shall have effect as to signing , sealing or delivery of an instrument by an individual in place of any provision of that Act as to signing , sealing or delivery .
24 Any matters referred to in the replies , which will need to be taken into account on completion — eg details of the title deeds that will be handed over , the standard requisition as to production of last receipts , a requirement that an outstanding mortgage should be discharged on or before completion , an undertaking of some sort to be given on completion — should be marked " Completion " so that when you come to prepare your completion agenda , these matters can at once be picked out , and no further lengthy perusal of the replies will be needed .
25 If it is a simple misunderstanding as to fact then the expert will usually be willing to change the report .
26 ( 4 ) Where a lessor is proceeding by action or otherwise to enforce a right of re-entry or forfeiture under any covenant , proviso , or stipulation in a lease , or for non-payment of rent , the court may , on application by any person claiming as an under-lessee any estate or interest in the property comprised in the lease or any part thereof , either in the lessor 's action ( if any ) or in any action brought by such person for that purpose , make an order vesting , for the whole term of the lease or any less term , the property comprised in the lease , or any part thereof in any person entitled as under-lessee to any estate or interest in such property upon such conditions as to execution of any deed or other document , payment of rent , costs , expenses , damages , compensation , giving security , or otherwise , as the court in the circumstances of each case may think fit , but in no case shall any such under-lessee be entitled to require a lease to be granted to him for any longer term than he had his original sub-lease .
27 The firm must identify the bank concerned ; ( 5 ) Before a firm undertakes margined transactions through an intermediate broker who is neither an authorised person nor an overseas person whose regulatory system requires segregation of client money ; ( 6 ) ( In most cases ) where the firm wishes to contract out of the client money regulations and is entitled to do so ; ( 7 ) If the firm wishes to hold client money of a private customer in a free money bank account outside the UK it must identify the country concerned and state whether the bank concerned has given the required acknowledgement as to client money status and that , if such acknowledgement had not been given , client money held with that bank might not be protected as effectively as in the UK .
28 If one is between York and Leeds , one has a a more distinct choice as to go to one or the other .
29 Crime and Punishment takes its place in a perfectly obvious and open fashion among the international classics of naturalism ( or realism ) , and it is the first of his novels to do so : the earlier and great book The House of the Dead walks so close beside personal history as to rule itself out in this connection ; formally it is a freak , so I argued , a quasi-novel ; and as regards fact and fiction , since he is recounting not ‘ prophesying events ’ , Dostoevsky can not have found much in the Dead House to get excited about .
30 The manhood of England has been largely alienated from the organised Churches because we have been so absorbed by the interests of the individual soul as to neglect the woes of society , and so preoccupied with the delights of heaven as to overlook some of the most urgent duties of earth .
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