Example sentences of "[adj] [noun] be quite a " in BNC.

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1 But this recession is quite a problem .
2 This result is quite a general one .
3 Yeah , everyone said how nice he was and old Dr was quite a character
4 As you can see , sir , this lady is quite a redoubtable lady and it was with great difficulty that we persuaded her to await the outcome of this enquiry before insisting on seeing you personally , sir . ’
5 The Old Rectory is quite an isolated establishment and there is little local interest in her excellent food .
6 The well was obviously ancient , the bricks of a type used in the 17th — 18th century , and standing looking into this well was quite a frightening experience .
7 A wooden mansion was quite an inviting residence : it consisted of the saloon of a large ship that must have been wrecked in the neighbourhood .
8 Well St Aldate 's in the Civil War is quite a problem to talk about really , erm in half an hour , because it 's so enmeshed in the story of Oxford in the Civil War which is a long , very interesting one , so what I 'm going to try and do is erm to pick out some of the local landmarks that did survive in the 17th century and relate them to what we know about some of the people and in this short half an hour , just try and picture what it was like to live in St Aldate 's during the civil war .
9 Oh no you can get , you can get er six pounds per square foot is quite a bit .
10 In a society of close family bonds , a mother 's younger sister is quite a different thing from a father 's older sister .
11 Going to the bathroom these days is quite a heavy trip : the can becomes a kind of geyser , and Tod has to look lively with that bucket of his .
12 Those were the days when a farm worker earned about thirty shillings a week , and three pounds was quite a good wage , so it is not surprising that a Saturday afternoon at the cinema cost tuppence , and four different sweets could be bought for a penny .
13 Well these ones are quite a lot
14 To be an employed , married mum is quite an achievement and I think I speak for us all .
15 Crews from all over the world were competing at Henley this weekend … for women rowers this is the big event of the year … but times are a changing … there 'll be a women 's single sculls at this years main Henley Regatta … they 've been there before in invitation races or coxing in men 's crews but competing in international competition is quite a breakthrough
16 It is here , as our LFS analysis and our case studies indicate , that fixed-term contracts are quite an important form of engagement for temporary workers .
17 Long Bridge in those days was quite a rickety wooden structure , which shook as you walked across .
18 Your first London Schools event in those days was quite an experience .
19 However , it is important to realise that double jacquard is quite a different fabric to single-bed Fair Isle and usually requires different yarns .
20 The next time I needed serious medical attention was quite a different experience .
21 Designing a home for a growing family is quite a challenge — selecting a style which will survive through the years , and furniture built to withstand a hectic lifestyle with its beauty intact .
22 Recognition for collective bargaining was quite a different question .
23 ‘ One has always heard whispers , ’ remarked Googol , ‘ yet to behold with one 's own eyes is quite an experience . ’
24 I imagine such harmless make-believe was quite a comfort .
25 Interviewing prospective candidates was quite an eye opener for people who have n't a clue on what that job entails .
26 I understand the poor young lady was quite a beauty ? ’
27 Actually one twenty five to two pounds is quite a steep increase .
28 Erm y'know even if it takes them quite a while to fill out y'know go through all eighty items y'know which could be erm y'know kind of , well depending how quickly they work y'know , sort of half an hour or something but if you if you get some er er a sort of type-written draft run off um I du n no , next Tuesday 's quite a quite a short deadline but maybe the Tuesday after that er we can try them on the first years if you like ?
29 As far as modern marriages go , 20 years is quite an achievement .
30 That dress you were wearing last night was quite a disguise . ’
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