Example sentences of "[adj] [noun] [vb -s] the [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 Addition of successively higher odd harmonics steepens the wings and reduces the amplitude of the fluctuations in between .
2 Each division controls the operations of a fairly self-contained part of the organization 's activities ( for example , a particular product line , or a geographical area ) .
3 Fast components are a plus , but the most advanced servers feature an optimized hard disk sub-system , where each component complements the others .
4 Teamwork This has clearly improved as each function understands the problems faced by the others and they all work to break them down together .
5 Strong Case heads the weights in the Dunnes Stores Ladies Fashion Race where National Hunt stars like Second Schedual and Bitofabanter are among the entries .
6 This broad-ranging study examines the ways in which people are involved in political life and their attitudes to this involvement , whether of satisfaction or disenchantment .
7 The officially notifiable diseases are gonorrhoea , syphilis , LGV , and chancroid , but neither the hospital specialist nor the private practitioner reports the cases that he sees .
8 Each data represents the values of three different measures of each sample ( expressed in pg of specific mRNA per µg of total RNA ) .
9 A paper clip slipped along the narrow fold makes the players stand more easily .
10 This multi-disciplinary programme brings the concepts , theories and findings of social science research to bear on the question of health inequalities in Britain .
11 The controls are very difficult to master , especially on Level 5 where exaggerated momentum makes the sprites virtually uncontrollable .
12 And as a Portuguese Euro-minister claims that Britain 's oil may have to be controlled by the authorities in Brussels , Jacques Delors demands another £2bn and ERM-inspired interest rates force thousands on to the dole , how long will it be before one of our major political parties has the guts to campaign against the European Community in its present form , rather than sticking their collective heads in the merde and pretending that everything 's coming up roses ?
13 This change reflects the effects of the energy crisis in oil and gas in 1973 , which prompted greater emphasis on energy conservation , and the effects of economic recession ( figure 6.11 ) .
14 Children are denigrated by adults , and as Itzin ( 1984 ) has identified this discrimination sows the seeds for later ageism towards very old people .
15 This story concerns the sounds of footsteps walking in the ballast ; no one was seen but the sounds were very convincing and one respects the account of this mystery from Mr Leslie , who certainly did n't believe in the supernatural , preferring to find a logical explanation of this sort of thing .
16 This part analyses the limits which the courts have placed on the freedom of an employee in the absence of express restrictive covenants and upon the ability of employers to restrain employees by contractual restrictions .
17 This technique shows the entities most likely to be mentioned by the reader and , hence , indicates which entities predominate for various reasons .
18 This technique has the advantages that you do n't have to paint or draw anything ; nor is it necessary to tidy up the edges of the wall hanging as this can add to the haphazard effect .
19 However , a consideration of this measure reveals the problems faced when trying to assess the extent of poverty .
20 In many Coleopteran larvae each maxilla carries a single lobe or mala which in some cases represents the gales and in others the lacinia ( Das , 1937 ) .
21 ( 3 ) This provision extends the classes of persons disqualified by the 1959 Act to include employees of licence holders and persons otherwise employed in the liquor trade .
22 This concluding part gives the findings of the subsequent Prussian court of enquiry , and describes and illustrates the dormeuse .
23 Another difficulty concerns the relations between politics and what has been called ‘ Black Macho ’ .
24 This category gives the pupils even greater control over the learning process by allowing the input data and manipulate it in various ways .
25 This Appendix summarises the states through which each of the important LIFESPAN objects may be transitioned .
26 Also , the performance of Ivor Novello as the impoverished hero whose charming vulnerability wins the hearts of all the girls , as well as that of a bored woman surrounded by too much luxury , and Cutts 's mobile camerawork , put it in another class .
27 Current editorial practice elides the implications of multiple texts .
28 This study compares the methods used to diagnose pyloric stenosis at Camperdown children 's hospital during two periods , 1974–7 and 1988–91 , to determine whether imaging is being used more frequently and whether it has led to earlier diagnosis and better management of pyloric stenosis .
29 This study investigates the needs of women at this time and examines the support which they receive from family and friends as well as that from health professionals in hospital and in the community .
30 Using a nationally representative sample , this study examines the effects on family life of elderly persons in the household .
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