Example sentences of "[adj] [noun] [v-ing] a [noun] " in BNC.

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1 This being so , there is virtually 100% transmission of each Fourier component of the signal with each component suffering a phase shift of β per section , where β is given by equation ( 9.23 ) or ( 9.27 ) .
2 He returned it to the Society and it was agreed that the arrow would be retained from then on as the Papingo Trophy , with each winner adding a gold or silver medal bearing his name and the year of his success .
3 In any one day 's activity a selector makes a large number of separate decisions about particular titles , each decision reflecting a range of background circumstances , some of them quite complex .
4 Face of comfort DIANA spent eight hours visiting a hospice for sufferers from cancer yesterday .
5 According to a Pakistani commentary , Shahi appeared to be suggesting that once the neutrality of the area was ensured by the regional states pursuing a policy of strict non-alignment , the superpowers could perhaps be persuaded to work towards some sort of mutual accommodation .
6 The increased seating capacity which would be provided by even an extra fifty coaches leaving a town over ten to twenty years , at a time of rapid urban population increase , points to how tiny a fraction of the population ever travelled by stage coach .
7 We 're doing the same thing here , we 've got a , a low resistance letting a lot of current in , letting a lot of current go through .
8 Lanham 's view that rape can be a perfectly understandable and forgivable way of dealing with the problems of a marriage echoes that expressed by Lord Dunedin in 1924 in a matrimonial case involving a wife who refused to consummate her marriage .
9 In the universities , where in the sixties rioting students and the educated tele-celebrities of the ‘ chattering classes ’ had commanded public attention , there were now dormant , apolitical students anxious only for their future employment , and embittered lecturers suffering a crisis of morale and lamenting the bureaucratic invasion of time traditionally left for teaching and research .
10 Lightly dry washed hair using a diffuser attachment , then work a mousse through your roots to give height .
11 Many such creatures increase in size by segmentation , each segment containing a batch of similar organs , legs , excretory devices , and reproductive organs , so that each is partially independent of the remainder .
12 As with purse nets , I prefer to make my own , each long-net having a 2-inch ( 5-centimetre ) knot-to-knot diameter .
13 Now , to what extent could one move in that direction using a computer , which is a rather precise and definite sort of object that wants to know exactly what it has to do and how it has to do it ?
14 Following the case of Re Beecham Group Ltd 's Application there seems to be a good chance of any restriction contained in a s.52 agreement being modified or discharged on application ; the Tribunal in that case modifying a restriction contained in a s.52 agreement to allow development , on the basis that the local authority would suffer no injury if the restriction was modified .
15 The new 132-page Luxembourg draft retained references to a " federal goal " , to an eventual common defence policy , to a Commission reduced in size from 17 to 12 , to European citizenship as proposed by the Spanish government , and to the European Parliament having a right of " co-decision " with the Council of Ministers [ see p. 38154 ] .
16 These observations are consistent with findings with normal subjects suggesting a role for the right hemisphere in appreciation of the prosodic factors in speech ( Haggard and Parkinson , 1971 ; Zurif 1974 ; Blumstein and Cooper , 1974 ; Craig , 1979a ; Dwyer and Rinn , 1981 ) .
17 A recording of police officers chasing the vehicle through Milton keynes , demonstrates how dangerous the teenagers driving was , with the stolen car mounting a pavement and crashing though roadwork cones :
18 Mining remained a craft until the early part of the last war , with each collier taking a boy as a kind of ‘ apprentice ’ into his stall ; and in some instances trying him out later with another boy , both under supervision in an adjacent stall , until they could prove themselves to be master-craftsmen , able to work the stall and be trusted to look after themselves .
19 When the queuers finally made their way to the head of the stairs they were greeted by a strange figure holding a tray of sugar cubes , sure sign that acid was on offer .
20 The Lancaster was now the mainstay of Bomber Command , each aircraft delivering a bombload that would have needed four aircraft of 1940 vintage to have lifted it .
21 There is a Minoan seal showing a goddess holding three poppy seed-heads .
22 After viability assessment using trypan blue exclusion , the total cell number was determined at 7 , 14 , and 21 days by counting at least three samples from each concentration using a haemocytometer .
23 It is a broad term incorporating a range of subordinate or prerequisite skills , those associated with reading , writing , searching , retrieving , organising , processing , thinking , analysing and presenting .
24 Above the mantelpiece was a series of display shelves , each niche holding a shepherdess in Dresden china , or a small bronze .
25 The carriages are smaller than most public transport vehicles , with the largest carriage having a width of 2.2 metres , only slightly wider than a bus .
26 Or it could be part of the training sessions , let's have what we were doing yesterday , skill drills , but you 've got to practice it and practice it , until eventually from those forty contacts using a ratio of ten to one , we get four appointments .
27 If , when on a first ever run , the new runner , aged eight , finds himself or herself lined up next to another runner wearing a County vest the beginner begins to realise anything is possible .
28 This property enjoys a most attractive position in Swanshurst Lane , Moseley , a popular lane containing a variety of character properties enjoying lovely open aspects to the front .
29 Already they keep me busy coming and consulting me about their topics to write on , and that , with 12 hours teaching a week , means that it is no holiday .
30 A major stumbling block is likely to be the include the redrawing of voting rights and a redistribution of wealth , with another 22 clubs demanding a share of the BSkyB TV cash .
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