Example sentences of "[adj] [noun] [vb mod] have that " in BNC.

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1 Erm certainly on the rescue tenders , erm erm on , on each division would have that equipment , it 's not carried on every fire engine as far as I know now , erm I , I do n't see why it should n't but er again I think it 's a matter of cost , and , and carrying it about as well and finding the space for it , but certainly it 's at hand when it 's needed .
2 These rules must have that generality and universality which make them ingredients in impartial determinations and sufficient precision and bite to be used in making genuine resolutions of disputes , for instance , over territory ; second , the extension of the role and jurisdiction of juridically sound international courts on the model of the International Court of Justice , to which there will be compulsory reference of disorder endangering disputes to be decided by the application of the relevant set of reformed international laws , and the decisions of which would be mandatory with no reservations permitted ; 4 third , the massive extension of non-coercive jural agencies in the area of enforcement where this is taken to mean the monitoring of the behaviour of states in relation to international law and the decisions of international courts .
3 On the issue of hospitals taking more control over their affairs , Professor Kean said : ‘ Hospitals to a very large extent can have that without turning the health service into a sort of supermarket . ’
4 And , because they will have arisen not out of planning but out of the story you are telling , almost certainly each new development will have that necessary quality of being a worse trouble for your heroine until the final calamity at the end .
5 You can question other people , other people might have that knowledge and you can question and clarify and form in your mind the ideas that you need and maybe put them to the group as a group .
6 ‘ Gazza exploited his responsibility to attack and all creative players should have that responsibility . ’
7 This is not interpreted so as to compel a solicitor in overseas practice to maintain cover in excess of the current levels prescribed by the Solicitors ' Indemnity Rules , though local requirements may have that result .
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