Example sentences of "[adj] [noun] [v-ing] [pron] [art] " in BNC.

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1 During the election campaign Gamsakhurdia 's opponents had concentrated on attacking what they claimed were his dictatorial tendencies ( a week before the election his ruling Round Table-Free Georgia coalition had sponsored legislation passed by the Georgian parliament making it a criminal offence , punishable by up to six years in prison , to insult the Georgian President ) .
2 Keeping her eyes on Robert as he began to talk to Dawn , she waited to see a change of expression on Dawn 's face , then , suddenly , her view was blotted out by a tall figure handing her a glass of wine .
3 A rebel army of political dissidents calling itself the National Patriotic Forces of Liberia ( NPFL ) , believed by the United States State Department to be supported by Libya , and led by Charles Taylor , had staged a rebellion in December 1989 [ p. 37174 ] ; by April , however , the uprising appeared to be at least partly a reaction by local people to the behaviour of the armed forces , accused of brutality in their actions to suppress the rebellion earlier in the year .
4 Mike Spencer-Phillips , Royal Scottish Consultant , organised a staff seminar to give a broad outline of Royal Scottish products following which the lead referrals have been flooding in .
5 Only a day earlier , another pro-Palestinian group calling itself the ‘ soldiers of justice ’ - believed to be from Abu Nidal 's organisation — had claimed responsibility in Beirut for the murder of the Belgian Jewish leader , Joseph Wybron .
6 A concluding summary saying what the student feels has been learned about children and language from the school work .
7 An old woman telling me the story of her life shat herself halfway through the Second World War .
8 The fiasco started when a letter was delivered to his home in Barnet , Herts , earlier this week informing him the £9.41 cheque would not be honoured .
9 He remembers before especially some idiot handing him a photo of his friend Jochen Rindt 's grave through the window of his car , and he remembers after , the sound of a chopper as he 's wafted off to hospital , but not the accident itself .
10 Against the use of a letter it must be noted that it is not easy to write a short but very clear letter explaining everything the informant may want to know , and if the recipient decides that she or he does not want to co-operate then she/he is warned in advance of the interviewer 's call .
11 It allows an early and full account to be recorded before the child 's memory fades ; reduces the chance of parents or other interested adults influencing what the child says ; removes the need for a succession of professional people to probe at length and in detail the traumatic experiences of the child ; exposes any leading questions made the interviewers ; and allows people to observe the non-verbal as well as the verbal messages the child wants to make .
12 Six satin-cloaked figures in white porcelain masks arranged themselves artistically against the façade of a shop selling Murano glass , the blank stares and the perfectly carved mouths giving them a look of unreality .
13 And if I 'm used to the dynamics of a Shure SM58 , some competitor showing me a graph of his mic 's superior frequency range cuts no ice when I jump on stage and have to revise my singing to suit it .
14 In the end Mandi Skillen , above , Elaine Sheridan , right , and Tony Kalharachi , below , took top marks earning them a place in the final
15 She kicked out again , this time cracking it a couple of feet from the juncture with the adjacent wall .
16 Jacobs ' folly had been to play ‘ Ca n't Happen Here ’ ‘ by a group of American male singers calling themselves the Mothers of Invention ’ on BBC TV 's Juke Box Jury , adding that the record had been made on a ‘ trip ’ .
17 For maximum volume and root lift , turn your head upside down — the special ‘ fingers ’ inside the cup will help life and separate curls giving them a fuller look .
18 The Company felt very pleased when in 1717 it received an imperial decree giving it a good deal of the territorial autonomy for which its ambitious employees had hoped in the 1680s and , in return for an annual payment of 13,000 rupees , freed it from paying customs duties inside India , but there is no sign that the Company realized that developments of this sort showed the Moghul Empire was beginning to lose control of the country .
19 They will get from the inspectors straightforward summaries saying what the strengths and weaknesses of each school are .
20 3 Regular full-colour brochures offering you the very latest Vevay Beauty Packs at reduced members-only prices
21 But North West teenagers receive an extra 20p making them the third highest paid in the country .
22 In contrast , the gigantic photographic images depicting what the curator Jeffrey Deitch has called our Strange Developments act to bludgeon what is assumed to be our jaded sensibilities , but more obviously demonstrate the burn out of a certain faction of the mid Atlantic artworld , curators and buyers .
23 The commission arrangement should n't leave either side resenting what the other is getting .
24 I spent three months knitting you a pair of bed-socks .
25 At the start of the path , by the farmhouse at Aberarder , you will see a few explanatory posts telling you a little bit about the reserve and the mountains within its boundaries .
26 Then she carefully made up her face and brushed her long auburn hair , the solemn wide-eyed child watching her every movement .
27 During this time he had remained by the door , his expressionless gaze following her every move .
28 Timelord also has a document database where you can index all your text files wherever they are on your hard disk giving you the ability to search and browse with the built in report viewer .
29 Timelord also has a document database where you can index all your text files wherever they are on your hard disk giving you the ability to search and browse with the built in report viewer .
30 Instead , we had the bizarre suggestion that prison order was likely to be more easily maintained if , on entering a prison , prisoners were given a little package telling them the consequences of their actions if they stepped out of line .
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