Example sentences of "[adj] [noun] [v-ing] [pron] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 For those wanting to satisfy that itch there is an extensive factual section with each trek giving lots of useful practical information .
2 For those wanting to satisfy that itch there is an extensive factual section with each trek giving lots of useful practical information .
3 The biblical perspective of divine revelation is of God speaking at specific times addressing himself to particular situations .
4 The group issued an angry statement alleging that the authors are ‘ obsessive fans misrepresenting themselves as the authorised biographers of Nirvana ’ .
5 She was not so lucky with Benton , who sprang up and crashed into her , his arms locking around her waist , their combined momentum slamming them against the door .
6 We would like to se the political parties commiting themselves to an overhaul of the sentencing process to make it more rational and civilised .
7 Many librarians , especially in Hertfordshire , remedied their lack by attending Garnett College for a one-year course preparing them as teachers in further education .
8 The savings on operating costs alone were immense , some experts putting it in the order of £2 million a year .
9 It 's the usual imaginative , expensive production , in this case whisking us from London to New York to New Orleans .
10 But they will have to beat off a challenge from French millionaires Monaco , who head a posse of foreign clubs shadowing him at Forest .
11 I 'd like to spend erm a few minutes , hopefully not too long because I 'm er known for talking for hours and hours when it comes to our company and our product , but hopefully just a few minutes telling you about our approach to developing an open accounting system .
12 The projects focus on maintaining and protecting the species ' habitats , and in some cases establishing them in new habitats .
13 The word ‘ mothering ’ is sexist in many contexts because it reinforces the ‘ natural ’ connection of women with children and childcare — a connection that feminists have criticised , since under our present social arrangements it has the entirely sexist consequences of defining non-mothers as non-women , restricting women 's opportunities to do other things if they wish , exploiting their unpaid labour and in some cases causing them to be seen as less important than the children they give birth to .
14 For a long moment all she could do was stare back at him , his dark fathomless eyes holding her in thrall .
15 ‘ What I 'd like you to know is that when it was all over and Peter was back from America , the grave-diggers were down here on their bended knees begging him for forgiveness because they knew it was a nasty business and said had they known at the time they 'd have had nothing to do with it . ’
16 The first session , after I have finished speaking , will involve 12 speakers addressing you on the theme of the conference , each from his or her specific perspective .
17 Pete is a bony Londoner with a sallow but healthy skin and clean floppy fair hair , Ellie an attractive girl in her early twenties , her light greenish hazel almond-shaped eyes showing her to be of mixed blood .
18 For the last five years I 've been doing this series , for the last 12 months sharing it with Ed Douglas , and in all that time there 's been the rain .
19 The duo 's set seemed lethargic , a muddy mix robbing them of the textured subtleties that make their records so invigorating .
20 At corner Inn the ostlers were the only visible representatives , and the doors were still closed ; but at the village a number of the natives were astir , and came to a little stone pier where a boat 's crew were exchanging for the coin of the realm the sparkling treasure netted in the night season , and many of the lodgers would have the freshest of fresh herrings waiting them for breakfast .
21 At least this time she had some help loading them into the van .
22 Bitter jealousy clawed at her , its sharp , painful talons filling her with an urge to scream with frustration and leaving her unable to think clearly .
23 ‘ Oh , no , ’ I sarcastically retorted , ‘ just some French bravos welcoming me to this Godforsaken city !
24 He said that he and his partner , Frank Anderson , bought the empty property in Marine Park Mansions , Wellington Road , for £750,000 and spent a further £200,000 converting it from flats into a hotel .
25 It would only be a matter of ti me before the pubs , the little grocer and the dry-cleaner 's were replaced by some establishment selling something on which an enormous mark-up could be obtained .
26 Repêchages were in the afternoon with all British boats making it to semi finals .
27 The idle flap of the hand again , and round the next corner was another tank , then a third , hull down in the long grass like old dogs sunning themselves on a lazy day .
28 ‘ I heard another teacher calling you by it just before we came in , ’ Matilda said .
29 ‘ Well , all this business putting me on the carpet … implying that I might leave you short . ’
30 But all good things must come to an end ; back on the old routine mixing it with the Luftwaffe and all they could muster — and their reaction was tremendous .
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