Example sentences of "[adj] [noun] [vb base] with [art] " in BNC.

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1 The areas of meaning of the Tamil words overlap with the areas of meaning of the English words , but they do not completely coincide .
2 A look that could only be jealousy , she registered , made his coal-black eyes glint with a hint of danger .
3 How strong this support will prove to be in the last analysis remains to be seen , but Labour 's treatment of Mr Gould and its refusal to back calls for a referendum on the Treaty suggest that any hopes of altering the movement towards European Federalism remain with the Conservative Party .
4 One would only wish to receive this kind of evidence with caution , hesitating to draw stereotypical impressions of the children of engineers and actors , and impressions gathered some decades ago , aware as we are that social behaviour and social attitudes change with the passing of time .
5 Melossi ( 1985 ) discusses how social discourses change with the various stages of what he calls the political business cycle .
6 Shell thickness varies greatly within species and calorific values vary with the size , age , and reproductive state of the prey as well as with the season of the year .
7 Political column Labour 's would-be deputies sup with the left Sarah Baxter
8 Others may not realise that some antibiotics interfere with the Pill 's effectiveness .
9 The greater part of the propulsive force is generated on the downbeat and the relative sizes of the vertical and horizontal components of this force vary with the angle of the plane of vibration to the horizontal .
10 Nor could jumpy Orrell cope with the efficiency of the steady , unflurried Pilgrim , the full-back , who kicked Wasps ' penalty goals besides putting in the delicate chip that set up the try for Oti .
11 It is worth noting that many of the most interesting studies of the language/ethnicity relationship are not quantitative at all , but focus qualitatively on the social meaning which bi- and multi-lingual speakers associate with the codes in their repertoire ( see further 8.3 ) .
12 For some UGMs , this change will be threatening especially as , with the advent of contracts for services , some districts toy with the idea of placing contracts directly with the clinical director , effectively by-passing the unit manager .
13 Some gardens begin with a dimly remembered phrase from Andrew Marvell , some with the chance discovery of a geriatric ‘ Albertine ’ clinging to a crumbling wall .
14 He cites Pipewell Abbey in Northamptonshire , where the earthworks of a deserted village mingle with the remains of the Cistercian monastic site .
15 Suddenly it 's light , clear as day ; we stop in front of a German 3″ mortar with a neat pile of HE bombs beside it .
16 Drugs of this sort interfere with the moment-to-moment control of blood pressure .
17 The thing actually works as a SCSI device , but because so few PCs come with a SCSI port most people use the built-in SCSI-to-parallel converter .
18 Will my right hon. Friend intervene with the chairman of Kent police authority to ensure that Dartford has its fair share of the new allocation of extra manpower for the county of Kent ?
19 Will my hon. Friend discuss with the Office of Electricity Regulation the complaints of the Combined Heat and Power Association that existing regulations contain barriers to the progress of combined heat and power , which should be removed ?
20 Does my right hon. Friend agree with the comment made on Sunday that we should not commit ourselves now in advance of 1997 to a single currency as a point of agreement that all sensible people could hold ?
21 Relatively few studies begin with an explicit ( ex-ante ) theory which is then rigorously tested against the data .
22 This may sound a bit obvious , but some machines come with a turbo button which can slow the PC right down .
23 How different things seem with a little light on the subject , I mused .
24 So , if you 've got , sort of , three or four stories that you know , that you could deal with , the type of question you might get is , discuss how erm , different writers deal with the subject of change , with reference to probably about three stories .
25 Because public managers deal with a more complex set of stakeholders , deciding who is the " customer " is often problematic .
26 8.7 Problems Develop with the State Implementation Plans
27 Some people live with a more or less permanent anxiety that this shattering event could happen at any time .
28 How is the capital consumed in production replaced in value out of the annual product and how does the movement of this replacement intertwine with the consumption of … the capitalists and … the labourers ? …
29 It tends to ignore some of the more interesting theoretical issues concerned with the ways in which Chomskyan notions of Universal Grammar interact with the immediate linguistic , cognitive and contextual features that are the properties of individual children and fails to suggest how research into language acquisition is developing in other areas .
30 Generally top players cope with the fast , short delivery by moving back and across the crease or , as Graham Gooch , by standing his ground and putting the wight on the front foot so that the head is over the front knee .
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