Example sentences of "[adj] [noun] [vb base] [pers pn] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Small wonder that flocks of European and Scandinavian birds choose it as their resting point when migrating to more congenial climes each winter .
2 We are interested and associated but not absorbed and should European statesmen address us in the words which were used of old — Shall we speak for thee to the king or captain of the host ? ' — we should reply , Nay sir , for we dwell among our own people' ’ .
3 It could be simply a difference of opinion where conflicting views bring us to an impasse .
4 In Chile , in an address to the Congress , Bush stated that the country 's economic policies put it in the " forefront of the free-market movement now taking hold across Latin America " and that this made it a " prime candidate " for debt relief proposed under the Enterprise for the Americas Initiative .
5 I shall describe these approaches as ideal types , but in each case illustrate them by reference to the work of one or another theologian .
6 In that case use it in scientific and then it will work that way .
7 What else can all those live debates , public barrackings and strange hours equip you for ?
8 The swirling shapes remind me of those kitsch 1960s lamps .
9 Serbian opponents accuse him of blackmail and extortion .
10 But just as he had used her agoraphobia as a defence against having to know about his need to find her safely where he had left her , so too did her lack of sexual response defend him from knowing about his need to keep her under his control .
11 Legal and natural persons are denied access to most international fora ; exclusionary rules prevent them from being parties , interveners , or even witnesses in what they may see as their own claims .
12 I only hope that the civic authorities have them under better control than they seem to be here .
13 Some authorities subdivide them into three types — the down-awn hairs , the awn hairs and the guard-awn hairs — but these subtle distinctions are of little value .
14 The legs are oleo-pneumatic ; small Schrader-type valves enable them to be kept to the correct pressure .
15 It 's in books a few books have it in it .
16 Overall , his churches and houses are no more than pleasant provincial work — examples are the rebuilding of St Julian 's church in Shrewsbury ( 1749–50 ) and Hatton Grange , Shropshire ( 1764–8 ) — but his decorative and funerary designs reveal him as a highly competent exponent of both the rococo style and the Gothic manner of Batty Langley [ q.v . ] .
17 Her next whimpered , broken words cut him to the heart .
18 Some organizations see it as an extension of their production process , others as the means by which their product or service is brought to the attention of the marketplace .
19 Most diverting is Artegall 's encounter with the Amazon Radigund whose sexual allurements cause him to be captured and emasculated by being dressed in woman 's clothes and forced to spin .
20 Not even Balanchine always survives this test , and lesser creators ignore it at their and our peril .
21 Be it nuking the world , winning at Brand 's Hatch , or wrestling with pixies , will all this fantasy turn you into a blob-shaped brain-dead computer-zombie ?
22 Bourdieu 's work on the new middle classes ( what he calls the new petit bourgeoisie ) and Goldthorpe et al. 's study of the service class 's social mobility provide us with some clues .
23 Looking at the long sweep of the historical past , Temple had seen that ‘ Historical analogies lead us to one conclusion only ’ — that subject races invariably at some point regain their liberty .
24 The English Catholics want me to be Queen of England , not her .
25 That being said , if you are in the market for a pure object-oriented programming environment then Object Cobol is not going to be your first choice anyway and nor does Micro Focus expect it to be .
26 Guest speaker , Bill Cook from Bass plc let us into what a buyer expects from a hygiene service and answered loads of questions that sales people do n't normally get the opportunity to ask .
27 It may be that learners have internalized aspects of the system which for one reason or another they can not access on particular occasions , that circumstances of different kinds prevent them from acting on this knowledge .
28 The Forza del destino arias opening this disc show her at her best .
29 Some stories give you in one or two pages exactly enough information about why two people wo n't ever get on , the divisions between them and so on .
30 Notwithstanding the fact that , according to the document , The Future Value of our Qualification , issued at the same time as the Manifesto , the Institute believes that chartered accountants want it to ‘ safeguard the reputation of the profession and to enhance the value of their qualification ’ and ‘ to concentrate on helping them succeed professionally ’ , at the present time practising members are concerned primarily with their practices ' cash flow and profitability , and the threat of litigation .
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