Example sentences of "[adj] [noun] [vb base] to [art] " in BNC.

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1 We oppose the privatisation of British Rail , but will allow private operators access to the rail network , while giving BR the freedom to raise investment capital on the open market .
2 The transfer times stated for each resort relate to the transfer journey only .
3 Specific requests refer to a particular aspect of clarification , either a request for repetition , confirmation , or specification .
4 In Kuwait it is just that we by the way in Kuwait we have two courts , we have the civil courts and we have the Islamic court , and erm Islamic cases go to the Islamic court and otherwise they go to the civil court , except just we we accept erm how to live our live in a modern way and keeping up with the times , and it is a tradition that we have adopted in Kuwait , and the fact that it is for women can drive in Kuwait versus those that do n't in Saudi Arabia , I do n't believe I 'd like to put that in the Islamic context , it 's just a way of life which we have adopted .
5 Only the conclusions or any outstanding disputes go to the full Cabinet .
6 The anatomical points used are vital and specific combinations correspond to the particular ailments .
7 In the remaining seats , the candidates who got more than an eighth of the total vote go to a second ballot .
8 British-born speakers respond to the difference between these by showing differential language behaviour in the two types of talk .
9 The first systematic studies of political parties belong to the end of the nineteenth century .
10 There are rules prohibiting sale of alcoholic drinks ti , or for , young people under 18 years of age , but different rules apply to the sale of beer , cider , etc , to accompany a meal for a young person aged 16 or 17 .
11 ( ii ) Can different rules lead to the same function ?
12 TWO old stagers return to the boards on video this month .
13 The question is whether the facts in this case amount to a nuisance .
14 Another course open to the High Court when it quashes the decision of a governmental body is to remit the matter to the agency with a direction to reconsider it in accordance with the findings of the High Court .
15 Scientists can adjust the rate of flow so that positively-charged molecules drift to the inside while negatively-charged molecules travel to the outside .
16 It is , for example , often assumed that one sector of the community finances social services , while other sectors benefit from it ; that , in effect , social policies contribute to a massive redistribution from rich to poor .
17 It is very interesting the way two different groups react to the same situation .
18 The ideal model helps to differentiate the workforce ( by age , sex and colour ) according to how far different groups approximate to the model and can be seen as representing its exemplary qualities of commitment and reliability .
19 Scientists can adjust the rate of flow so that positively-charged molecules drift to the inside while negatively-charged molecules travel to the outside .
20 Wednesday are hoping Manchester United do the Rumbelows Cup and League double , so the two UEFA Cup places available for English clubs go to the second and third teams in Division One .
21 Sound recording enabled us to repeat musical and other aural experiences , with profound effects upon the musical profession as well as on the range of cultural opportunity open to the ordinary person .
22 Pre-dinner cocktails are popular , after which those on half board retire to the Yali Han terrace for their evening meal , an informal affair where you can join the others , or re-arrange tables to suit yourselves .
23 He argued , convincingly , that noun phrases taken as a whole may quite often have a different temporal assignment from that of the verb which they accompany , as in : ( 37 ) I used to be a good friend of the police chief The underlined phrase may be understood as past relative to the time of utterance ( and hence in agreement with the time indicated by the verb ) or as present ; the two different time-values correspond to the two different continuations in : ( 38 ) … before he joined the force … until he was shot for corruption The first continuation would be compatible with an expansion of the subject phrase to the man who is the police chief , while the second would support the man who was the police chief .
24 Some contracts come to an end and others begin .
25 Prepare the potatoes , cabbage and carrots for the Crisp Vegetable Bake to the end of stage 3 .
26 Half empty shops point to the fact that the devices were discovered during one of the busiest periods of the week …
27 In short , ‘ Inntrepreneur ’ rents , as determined by the market , are a fair reflection of the substantial commercial opportunities open to a lessee who is running a pub as an individual business . .
28 Some words apply to a wider historical debate e.g. " Victorianism " , " New Imperialism " , " Great Depression " , " Scramble for Africa " , " War Guilt " , " Cold War " .
29 Schmeling , a sprightly , dignified 85-year-old , is certainly an argument that some fighters come to no harm , even those who suffer the sort of beating Louis meted out when the pair met again .
30 Schmeling , a sprightly , dignified 85-year-old , is certainly an argument that some fighters come to no harm , even those who suffer the sort of beating Louis meted out when the pair met again .
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