Example sentences of "[adj] [noun] [vb past] in the " in BNC.

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1 The Chinese government in May 1990 rescinded the martial law order in Lhasa ( imposed in March 1989 following outbreaks of secessionist unrest ) , although a heavy armed presence remained in the city [ see p. 37454 ] .
2 Particular attention is given to the provision of financial services for industrial development and agrarian improvement ; the extent of movement into and out of Edinburgh ; the social structure and occupational zoning within Edinburgh ; demographic change ; the role of the law and of secular and ecclesiastical institutions in helping or hindering change ; the nature of social relationships within the town and the extent to which new and more progressive values existed in the city .
3 ( Had this kind of European provision existed in the 1920s and 1930s it might and probably would have made it much more difficult for the Fascist and other extreme forms of government to take hold . )
4 He was wise enough in his broadcasts to refrain from one tactic , the inspiration of that chill fear which some of his political ranting achieved in the 193()s .
5 These proved too controversial and modified proposals appeared in the 1968 paper Children in Trouble , which formed the basis of the 1969 Act .
6 That tovarisch lay in the earth ,
7 Ever since that story broke in the papers , Creed seemed to be testing loyalties .
8 A wounded horse limped in the wheat , trying to catch up with the other cavalry horses .
9 On the night of Oct. 4-5 small-scale fighting occurred in the capital , Kigali , but the RPF failed to consolidate its position beyond the north-eastern area .
10 But he might at least be " useful " , as he had wanted , and part of that usefulness lay in the fact that , on one level at least , his poetry could have a public and national purpose — although , when the war had been won , he no longer cared to draw attention to those aspects of it .
11 The uniformed figure stood in the doorway , eyeing the occupants of the cell impassively .
12 Even up to the end of the eighteenth century it was widely held that mind resided in the spaces within the brain , the ventricles , rather than in the neural tissue itself .
13 Although armed force lay in the background of every statesman 's consciousness , it was not the normal instrument of competition between states .
14 The man 's face was pale , long and lined , his blue watery eyes squinted in the daylight .
15 This mighty High Mage bound the fearsome dragons to his will , using harnesses of enchanted truesteel smelted in the fiery heart of Vaul 's Anvil .
16 Finally , specific short-term shortages arose in the early 1970s , the most important being the 1972 crop failures ( when grain output was down 3 per cent on the previous year , against a trend growth rate of 3 per cent a year ) .
17 A hasty glance took in the gorgeous antique furniture crammed in as if it had been recently off-loaded by a dealer , the small , pristine cooker and the sink pushed against the soft ochre-washed wall as if it was an after-thought .
18 Exercised , massaged , bathed and pampered , carefully fed as a prize marrow , the body is an empty shell flaunted in the face of catastrophe . ’
19 Suggestions of this kind culminated in the creation of the foreign office which began its life in 1782 .
20 A further difficulty lay in the fact that until recently section 4(2) orders were not subject to challenge either by way of appeal or , in the case of those issued by the Crown Court , by judicial review .
21 A further difficulty lay in the social context of the secondment .
22 Once confined to chapels and minsters , stained glass now makes its shimmering presence felt in the secular world .
23 " Bourgeois culture is a barrier , a luxury , a corruption of man , an instrument of warfare " , he vehemently proclaimed in 1930.12 This negative , retrospective condemnation of the cultural values encoded in the French middle-class schooling of the time should not , however , divert attention from the fact that in 1916–17 the educational system was perceived by the child Nizan as the only available route to personal salvation and success .
24 Her olive skin glowed in the artificial light , the curves of her naked breasts softened into a newly voluptuous sensuality that reflected and heightened her resolution .
25 Beneath their discursiveness , these books exhibit a coherent social theory : the way to social progress lay in the rational wills of individuals , and true philanthropy consisted in supporting and strengthening that rational will rather than in the mechanical relief of poverty .
26 The coverage angered the royal entourage on what was supposed to be a high-profile visit to a close trading partner , and a country where British servicemen died in the fight against Communism in the early 1950s .
27 the er children 's television show they they occasionally show a Newfoundland pulling a boat , well now that 's the film that I made about ten years ago and this Newfoundland pulled in the boat .
28 Everyone got down very quickly as another shell exploded in the front garden of a cottage across the road .
29 But More also linked eastern thought about reincarnation to Darwinism , since both stressed the presence of the past and the idea that the most primitive forms persisted in the modern .
30 This text appeared in The Sporting Chronicle on 4 June 1980 .
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