Example sentences of "[adj] [noun] [vb past] [art] same " in BNC.

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1 A number of Labour authorities did the same , believing it could help them plan service development more effectively .
2 It does not follow that Parliament had the same intention when , whatever criteria are adopted , all spaces in the school will be filled in any event .
3 What would happen if other advanced nations did the same ?
4 Another response suggested the same limit : '70 — this allows recently retired people to use their experience but after this age their experience becomes dated . ’
5 The fact that a growing proportion of diplomats were now laymen whose fluency in Latin was often limited helped to accelerate this process , as did the fact that different nations pronounced the same Latin words in markedly different ways ; but as the language of treaties , especially those which involved a large number of states or in which the German states were concerned , Latin survived longer than as the language of negotiation .
6 If he stopped , the ghostly figure did the same .
7 So when the Sergeant-Major asked me where I hoped to be posted eventually , I told him the 2ème Régiment Étranger de Parachutistes ; this did n't surprise him as most British recruits said the same thing .
8 The girls of the same families included in the formation by these direct relationships shared the same interests but were , in majority , beyond the immediate formative system .
9 In their last financial years , only 39 FT-SE 100 companies ' audit fees increased above the rate of inflation ; 25 companies ' audit fees were cut from 1990 to 1991 ; 30 companies paid the same amount ; and the fees of six increased at a level below the rate of inflation .
10 Keats when he wrote that poem and was lost in his immaterial dream breathed the same intoxicating air as Einstein did , and both knew the same profound excitement and sublime delight .
11 Even if Liverpool methods had been universally adopted — and very few areas had the same religious background as Liverpool , the real basis of Salvidge 's success — then change would be slow and limited .
12 The Institute , along with several other respondents , suggested that the OFR should be a Stock Exchange requirement the Scottish Institute made the same suggestion , but advised a five-year trial first .
13 Is the environmental assessment to which my hon. Friend referred the same one as that referred to by the hon. Member for Keighley ( Mr. Waller ) who I understood to mean the King 's Cross project , while my hon. Friend was referring to the high-speed link ?
14 The universe would then go on to expand and cool just like the hot big bang model , but there would now be an explanation of why the universe was expanding at exactly the critical rate and why different regions had the same temperature .
15 Sexual puritanism fulfilled the same function .
16 But the swashbuckling approach grew rarer ; and with the disappearance of the Carolingian and Ottonian houses a measure of excitement drained out of the game , for neither Capetian nor Salian brides enjoyed the same cachet as their predecessors .
17 Social policy showed the same relatively moderate trend .
18 AN IRISHMAN who sold his family furniture for £600 was counting the cost today after Christie 's this week auctioned the same furniture for £230,000 .
19 Introduced in May as an interim currency to overcome the cash shortage [ see p. 38926 ] , the Latvian rouble had the same value as the Russian .
20 But away from the controlling mythology of the Western , his blood-dimmed vision lacked the same conviction .
21 They found throughout the interviews that this man displayed the same discursive skills : using a number of key indicators such as the pronoun ‘ I ’ and its other forms ‘ me ’ and ‘ my ’ as indicators .
22 If two different species showed the same coloration , this merely confirmed that they were both subject to the same orthogenetic trend .
23 Haydon , who painted Wordsworth on Helvellyn in 1842 , noted that ‘ His head is like as if it was carved out of a mossy rock , created before the flood ’ , and those who tried to penetrate to the character beneath the face of the old man used the same ‘ stony ’ vocabulary .
24 Also a field observer of insects , he noticed that many edible butterflies had the same bright markings as inedible ones .
25 Perhaps because of disincentives built into the Supplementary Benefit system , the ‘ zero-earner couple ’ category is bigger than one would expect if the wives of unemployed men had the same economic activity rates as the wives of employed men ( see Rimmer , 1987 , p. 44 for a discussion of this phenomenon ) .
26 And Top Shot coupled the same horse with impressive four-length Lingfield winner Killick ( 7-4 ) to land a 26 point profit for his followers .
27 The conference this year took the same theme and posed the question has anything really changed ?
28 Another tom did the same thing , supplying his female with food while she was unable to leave the nest during the first days after producing her litter .
29 The social hierarchy in English towns took the same shape as in the countryside , tapering from a broad base composed of those who lived on or below the poverty line to a few outstanding wealthy families .
30 Dr Steel said the Scottish findings showed the same linkage and located the gene in exactly the same position as similar work carried out in England , the United States , Germany , France , Sweden , the Netherlands and Iceland .
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