Example sentences of "[adj] [noun] [vb past] [pron] [vb infin] " in BNC.

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1 On subsequent visits to Spain Minton did reveal enough knowledge of Spanish to engage locals in conversations in bars , but in 1949 the only Spanish Bernard heard him say was ‘ No , melón ! ’ to a waiter .
2 Mr in due course did you go to the flat ?
3 That bit made me think even then .
4 Her calm , lazy response made him laugh .
5 A concentrated assessment helped us focus on teaching procedures and materials more effectively and the problems we uncovered could be tackled immediately as we had direct access to the Subject Assessor ’ .
6 In neither case did they mean they had personally been involved .
7 Deacon had taken over the head of the formation as the leader 's R/T was not working , and calling a warning to the other pilots , he swung into the attack on one Messerschmitt from the quarter position , breaking away to attack a second similarly , though in neither case did he observe any results .
8 When I got down to the park , the combination of the cold and my long sleep that afternoon made me feel too restless to contemplate actually going to sleep again , so I just sat there on one of the benches , thinking .
9 Only after this prompt action did he secure Congressional support , and , close on this , the support of the UN Security Council .
10 Would you believe that the sight of her in that condition made me feel differently about her ?
11 A hollow wooden noise made him turn his head .
12 But which one of the three star signs did he belong to ? she wondered .
13 Nerves got the better of me and only when Les Cox stopped me to go for another take did I realise I 'd got my letters mixed up and had inadvertently said : ‘ Will you switch these sans off please ?
14 Their ugly faces and unpleasant smell made me feel quite ill .
15 Our traditional British reserve made them think we were very hostile and resented them being here , and their extrovert camaraderie we regarded as showing off .
16 English department did it last term .
17 One of the questions I was asked was , which historical figure did I admire most ?
18 ‘ Scottish , ’ he corrected automatically , and wondered why English accents made him feel inferior , though it did n't seem to matter so much over here , there were fewer of them .
19 The old lady made me jump when she told me not to stare but to sit down and not be nervous .
20 This question made me realise that there must be lots of new knitters out there with electronic of Duomatic 80 machines who do not know this technique .
21 He love his friend , the beauty of whose manly limbs made him tremble with pleasure .
22 The reputation for energy and honesty which Truman gained from this work helped him win the nomination for the vice-presidency in the 1944 election , after more prominent candidates had cancelled each other out .
23 Why when he had lavished so much care and time , not to mention a medium-sized fortune on this aeroplane did it let him down so utterly ?
24 I thought there might be somewhere where they 'd have an old circular saw you know , probably got a bit more chance with help , but they do a bit of rough cutting do you know what I mean ?
25 His face shadowed as the thought of Ray Doyle 's punctured body made him realise that perhaps Doyle 's oriental interests were a thing of the past , now .
26 She had to face the handicaps of severe diabetes but , true to Greek ideals , she endured them with stoicism ; only on four occasions in 30 years did she break down under these cruel burdens .
27 Another director made it sound like a Faustian pact with the devil : ‘ You have to be careful not to lose your soul ’ , he whispered .
28 Only once in this period did he sleep with someone of his age , and on this occasion he chose someone who looked almost exactly like himself .
29 ‘ My conversation with him this evening made me realise that he can be quite devious , and also that he has a rather cruel sense of humour .
30 As Branch Manager Ian Davies said ‘ the excitement must have been terrific because only at this point did anyone realise that Stella could n't swim and it was only Freddy and the wet suit that were keeping her afloat ! ’
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