Example sentences of "[adj] [noun] [adv] [art] day " in BNC.

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1 Farmers , whether on a large or small scale , faced new demands on their managerial abilities and technical skills almost every day — decisions and actions they usually had to make and take on their own .
2 Indeed it is this inaccuracy that leads to its often being called a circadian clock ( from the latin , circa — about ; diem — a day ) If it is correctly timed one day , it will be approximately 1 hour late the next , about 2 hours late the day after that , and so on until it will be ‘ useful ’ again after about 3 weeks .
3 As I write this the survivors are eight days old , and being fed Brineshrimp once a day , and powdered flake or powdered High Protein once a day .
4 Over the last few months hardly a day had gone by without his name being mentioned in the financial Press , the articles mainly commenting on the swift , ferocious manner in which he was carving his way through the City , ruthlessly gobbling up one company after another .
5 An inquest has revealed she was killed by a faulty , twenty year old machine just a day after she 'd bought it from a relative .
6 His upbeat message just a day after Chancellor Norman Lamont warned that full economic recovery could be three years away sparked an angry clash with Labour .
7 This will disgorge the stored information twice a day , at alternate intervals of 10 and 14 hours , as IRAS passes over the operational control centre at Chilton in Oxfordshire .
8 Existing on a small pension , Doris ca n't afford a fridge and has to buy fresh food nearly every day .
9 ( Granted , there were a few flaws … but hey , ‘ MY PEN RAI ’ ( ‘ never mind ’ ) , as we say about 100 times here a day in Thailand ! )
10 He was on long term treatment with frusemide ( 80 mg twice a day ) , enalapril ( 10 mg once a day ) , isosorbide mononitrate ( 10 mg once a day ) , and aspirin ( 150 mg once a day ) .
11 He was on long term treatment with frusemide ( 80 mg twice a day ) , enalapril ( 10 mg once a day ) , isosorbide mononitrate ( 10 mg once a day ) , and aspirin ( 150 mg once a day ) .
12 Despite adding digoxin 0.25 mg twice a day and diltiazem 120 mg three times a day , heart rate before discharge still exceeded 120 per min .
13 When you have been so close to death and even closer to permanent serious injury then every day becomes a bonus . ’
14 During the course of a week , his nursery teacher gave him a simple task once a day and noted the time he spent on this task .
15 Suzanne , my wife , who had just had a baby , drove three hours twice a day to see me .
16 Steven Osbourne , 30 , used three lines nearly every day for six months — sometimes for 22 hours at a time — to ring the Wheel of Fortune .
17 The campaign of mass action organized by the ANC and its allies which began on June 16 [ see p. 38948 ] continued during July with demonstrations of differing sizes almost every day .
18 Parents of young children with the lung disease cystic fibrosis , like 3 year old Poppy Roberts , have to give their children intensive physiotherapy twice a day to keep their lungs clear of congestion .
19 So I would go down there and that 's where I got hip to Van Halen , because all the kids were playing the stupid Eruption solo every day .
20 ‘ I meet famous people practically every day .
21 He was on long term treatment with frusemide ( 80 mg twice a day ) , enalapril ( 10 mg once a day ) , isosorbide mononitrate ( 10 mg once a day ) , and aspirin ( 150 mg once a day ) .
22 It will save me a long journey twice a day to Norton Junction . ’
23 Lights are on 12 hours per day , I do a 20 per cent water change fortnightly and feed frozen food once a day .
24 She said not until five past , Mrs said you can get up them stairs , she said you go at ten minutes early every day !
25 This little drama — and other scenes like it — is played out method-acting style almost every day in this particular household .
26 So after I 've finished those lot twice a day
27 Bracken Cottage , which had come to her on Elise 's death , was all very well , but living out in one of the Sherwood Forest villages would have entailed long rush-hour drives twice a day , and already Merrill had gathered that Luke Travis was n't the sort of man to take kindly to excuses about traffic-jams .
28 The doctor 's mild and unsensational belief was that fifteen minutes twice a day , on bus or train , in the roaring traffic 's boom , or the silence of your lonely room , can utterly change your life .
29 A very simple ( and true ) illustration of this point arose in one accident where a BOAC pilot died flying his own privately owned small aeroplane only the day after he had landed his Boeing 707 full of passengers at Heathrow .
30 A hot meal twice a day is also well tolerated .
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