Example sentences of "[adj] [noun] [pers pn] could [vb infin] " in BNC.

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1 In that instance you could issue a B one so that he would have some money coming in .
2 Well why did n't they get a mile away from where they put that money they could 've , they could 've been planned it away , a mile away all
3 That bit I could do without ’ .
4 He reached into his pocket and extracted the largest coin he could find .
5 As justification for claiming strong Norman support he could advance the wickedness of Harold , the ‘ backwardness ’ of the English church , the increasing separation of Scandinavian — English politics from the mainlines of central and southern European development and , perhaps most immediately attractive to his baronial supporters , the promise of considerable territorial gains if the gamble came off .
6 Again I I showed all due diligence I could do in the situation .
7 You got any discreet contacts you could tap into fast ? ’
8 When taking a train journey women were advised to equip themselves with the largest hat-pin they could find and if travelling by night , or through a tunnel , they were to sit bolt upright , hat-pin clenched between the teeth in case of attack .
9 Even with only half those Spanish coins he could buy all he wanted and more .
10 The greatest present we could wish for would be to see him safe and sound .
11 As a small owner-occupied parcel it could have been missed ; alternatively he might have preferred to sell it , possibly to John , whose own assessment could therefore have embraced this as well .
12 Dear Catriona I could guess you probably worked this out a long time ago but I might as well get it over with once and for all and I finally managed to summon up the courage to do so , A S A , a secret admirer , no longer exists , he no longer admires secret or otherwise and has n't existed for almost a year now and again you probably know who he is but I might as well tell you it 's me Johnny the eleven year old , now fourteen , you met at Christmas ninety and boy do I feel stupid .
13 In a still moment of total blackness she could feel the sinewed strength , the velvet softness of the dragon 's tripes .
14 from about hundred and fifty pound you could pay .
15 In each gear you could tell the carburettors were better balanced after 12,000 miles as the slower increments always favoured the later set of figures .
16 Half-way along the back of the lower legs you could see the vicious spur with which the birds fought .
17 Having said that , I do n't blame them because ‘ Ironfist ’ was n't the greatest album it could have been and ‘ Another Perfect Day ’ , well , I 've been thinking about that and I 'm sure it was n't just the album … ’
18 In private practice you could provide services for large , corporate clients , or for private individuals and small businesses .
19 By the watchfires ' waning light he could discern a handful of ghostly figures flitting about nearby .
20 They claimed that despite the hundreds of years of Polish independence , ‘ the East ’ owed what little civilisation it could muster to the efforts of the Germans .
21 We welcome suggestions for any further improvements we could make , so please let us know your views .
22 Sharpe reckoned it could not take the enemy longer than an hour to overrun the fragile line of Dutch-Belgian troops , and in one further hour they could have fortified the crossroads to make them impassable to the British .
23 That 's another story I could tell you it 'd er er make your hair curl .
24 With some pros you could have got the sack on the spot .
25 If he loses this case he could face a jail sentence .
26 In this case you could organise recording sessions on one day , with playback sessions the next , both done as rotating group tasks .
27 In this case it could help to identify family links .
28 Of course if he made the wrong decision he could pay for it by loss of his command , as we have seen , or even with his life , as happened to Timagoras , the ambassador who accepted humiliating terms at a peace conference in 367 ( Xen .
29 But if you 're in an emergency situ situation , you do n't know and would you be equal to it , would you have some reserve you could fall on ?
30 Even as Rachel flitted before us down passageways and galleries , I could feel other presences , as if ghosts hiding in the shadows watched her pass then trailed behind us , looking for some weakness they could exploit .
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