Example sentences of "[adj] [noun] [prep] more [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Before looking at local economic strategies in more detail we should point out that the decline of consensus politics at the national level does not inevitably lead to an increase in local political activity .
2 No man told a raunchy story with more relish and less offence .
3 After that we will be ready to look at specific policies in more detail .
4 BRITISH Aerospace shares are set to rise today following the long-awaited confirmation of more defence contracts from Saudi Arabia .
5 First , it forms the basis of a useful tool for studying relatively small , self-contained groups in more detail than is possible within a large-scale survey framework .
6 Hundreds of parents in the county have back calls for more education spending .
7 Thus , out of the 11 still preferring home care in the action sample nine answered quite specifically in terms of the feasibility of continued home care ( albeit with a wish in some cases for more community services ) .
8 The tragedy at Bolton in 1946 , in which thirty-three were killed and 400 injured , was the result of admitting 85,000 fans with more clambering over walls or vaulting the turnstiles .
9 We could have tried to address the problem without all this talk of more Government cash , more this , more that , more the other .
10 The waveforms of Fig. 5 illustrate this action in more detail .
11 No Moslem could have greeted the sight of its medieval columns with more glee than the clapped-out crews of the TransaDeuche for , even though the place is a little less remote these days , it was still a pretty formidable achievement getting to it in a vehicle not really designed to leave the Left Bank .
12 I shall examine this question in more detail in the chapters in Part 3 , but meanwhile we might consider briefly how different approaches to language pedagogy in general can be characterized in reference to this question .
13 Temporary workers and overtime working could be substitutes or complements ( albeit that overtime often permits a more immediate response and entails no recruitment training costs ) , and our case studies explore this issue in more detail .
14 The second type of individual headhunter was the practical , down-to-earth type with more management experience at different levels than the blue-bloods , who identified the existence of a demand for skills in senior recruiting but who was not pretentious or elitist about it in any way .
15 We now develop this theme in more detail .
16 To understand this process in more detail and to prepare the way for showing how money supply expands or contracts , we must examine the particular types of deposit and loan ( of liability and asset ) .
17 If anything , he handled this crisis with more aplomb than the earlier one .
18 It deals with the three villas of this article in more detail .
19 She did n't want to hear what he would say , did n't want to compound this foolishness with more folly , did n't want to hear him gloat at her easy capitulation .
20 In contrast to the nationwide Observer/Harris poll of voters referred to earlier , 75 per cent of the Londoners questioned by Gallup on behalf of five London boroughs preferred curbs on cars and better public transport to more city roads .
21 There is a big demand from social workers for more information about several important benefit changes .
22 Check out the back pages for more information .
23 They may be able to help you negotiate with the authorities — see the Helplist at the end of this leaflet for more information .
24 In this concluding section we will examine this strategy in more detail .
25 To follow this argument in more detail , it is worth turning to the product which is most intimately associated with the earliest period of the industrial revolution , that is cotton cloth .
26 Let's be frank , there are other producers who have studied this area in more depth than I and they do it far better .
27 James will cover er , this area in more detail later in the presentation .
28 The cultural conquest of the countryside by the towns and of oral by literate culture was the prime aim of the press , and we shall examine this role in more detail .
29 We will discuss this fleshing-out in more detail in the next two sections .
30 ChapterS deals with this subject in more detail .
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