Example sentences of "[adj] [noun] [prep] the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 New accountability processes have to grapple with the problem of legitimising managerial autonomy and discretion ( to achieve results ) with the need to give real rather than fictional accounts to the various publics with which the organisation interacts .
2 Originally a sial crust had enveloped the earth , but it then split on one side and compressed into the solid mass of the present-day continents .
3 — Although the flight of insects has been referred to on p. 64 , the coordinated activities of the skeletomuscular system of flying insects need further brief discussion ( Tiegs , 1955 ; Pringle , 1957 , 1965 , 1968 ) .
4 Reports continued of tacit Iranian support for the Soviet Moslem republics [ see p. 38409 ] .
5 The reason is not clear , but must be the result of some subtle change in the genetic information in the nucleus .
6 The range of normal values for the oesophageal pH environment has been derived from previous study of 30 asymptomatic control subjects in this laboratory .
7 It is possible to analyse possible interactions between the syntactic cue and description type also , but these are best understood on the basis of the data .
8 Product stability is , by definition , the inherent stability of the product independent of possible interactions with the immediate container or of questions of the adequacy or otherwise of the protection afforded by the sales package .
9 They followed him through a narrow passageway into the old town .
10 Although no pyramid has been found with its original contents present , the recent exploration of a narrow passageway within the Great Pyramid built for the pharaoh Cheops has led archaeologists to hope for an undisturbed chamber at the other end .
11 Those countries are co-ordinating their industrial and economic strategies at the regional level .
12 Accepting this as a broad description of the current state , we now examine some real-time data in order to confirm the direction of change .
13 In order to locate the variables that might be worthy of study , and to define the variants of the variables , a broad description of the phonological system has to be prepared beforehand .
14 It seems to me that formulation of the precise grounds upon which overpayments of tax ought to be recoverable and of any exceptions to the right of recovery , may involve nice considerations of policy which are properly the province of Parliament and are not suitable for consideration by the courts .
15 Thereafter , however , he was in regular attendance , being recorded as present at nine out of twelve private meetings in the Painted Chamber and at all four sessions of the actual trial in Westminster Hall , including the final session on Saturday 29 January , in which the sentence of death was passed by all present ( though he did not sign the death warrant ) .
16 Solicitors are increasingly becoming the dominant branch of the profession despite the historical recognition that they are the junior part of the legal profession .
17 It is clear that in both Australia and New Zealand there is a continuing ferment arising from conflicting support for the old or the new .
18 Earlier that day the newspaper Faks had revealed the names of 32 deputies in the Grand National Assembly ( GNA ) who had been identified by a parliamentary commission as secret police informers under the communist regime ousted in 1989 .
19 Ten minutes later there was a loud rat-tat on the heavy iron-fronted door of the warehouse .
20 The route : a complete crossing of the French Pyrenees from Hendaye-Plage on the Atlantic to Banyuls-Sur-Mer on the Mediterranean .
22 In Chapter 1 , we defined inflation as a persistent rise in the average level of prices and we pointed out that in the UK the rate of inflation is normally measured as the annual percentage increase in the Retail Price Index .
23 The mercenary captain John of Hainault brought a force of 500 men-at-arms from the Low Countries , and at York they became involved in a violent affray with a band of archers from Lincolnshire , which culminated in the deaths of a sizeable number of the Lincolnshire men .
24 This image is eagerly developed by the popular press , which almost daily produces the most ridiculous and exaggerated accounts of the tiny minority of bankrupts who have run up extremely large debts .
25 The fact that several provincial towns reported pope-burnings in November 1714 and 1715 should make us question how extensive support for the Jacobite position was at this time .
26 A very prosaic theory proposes that the electrical activity of the brain as we sleep produces the mental equivalent of white noise and that , just as we can make ourselves hear music in white noise , our unconscious can pick out a coherent story from the baffling array of visual images presented to it .
27 What we witness here is something resembling the Freudian proposition that the repressed returns via the very images , structures , and mechanisms of repression itself : the words which consummate the renewal of man , his salvation , these words return to signify the opposite of salvation which is damnation , and they signify also the desire which only damnation can acknowledge and which salvation must repress .
28 So p53 is essential for the apoptotic response to the radiation-induced signal , but has no part at all in the response to the glucocorticoid-induced signal .
29 The address he gave her was of a private cinema in the old quarter .
30 The aim of the operation is to ablate the diseased bowel while preserving normal function of the anal sphincter .
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