Example sentences of "[adj] [noun] [pron] [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 In due course my friendly farmer , Cyril Young , delivered four sheep to Oakington and everything was set for a bit of a barny at the Lion .
2 The equivalent questions for eighteen year olds ask about specific skills which young people have been shown to need ( and often to lack ) when they leave local authority accommodation to live independently ( Stein and Carey , 1986 ) .
3 We 've also remembered again the sometimes potent hurts of time gone by , realising that the passing years do not always lay to rest the stretched emotional reactions which those experiences once forced upon us .
4 This was a particularly important assumption in that many lenders , forced by deregulation of financial markets to fight for business , offered borrowers loans at multiples of three or even three-and-a-half times their gross salary .
5 Figure 3.1 shows the joint variation of the two properties we have been talking about , and , of course , the possible values which any unit can take .
6 If Douglas 's brutality epitomizes racial , cultural , and sexual domination in its most callously direct form , Gide 's self-description of remaining in the security of his room , considering it wiser not to intervene , becomes a resonant image of the hesitant complicities which most kinds of brutality and exploitation presuppose and in which most of us are implicated .
7 This would also give each Park its own authority , independent of local councils ( thereby extending a system applying presently in the Lakes and the Peak ) .
8 New attitudes to work and leisure require radically new social and economic policies which few politicians , of the left or right , are prepared to contemplate .
9 Trees such as poplars , elms , limes and oaks account for much shrinkage in soil and should not be closer to the building than 1.5 times their own height .
10 At a press conference , also yesterday , given by leaders of a loose coalition of anti-apartheid organisations known as the Mass Democratic Movement ( MDM ) , the point was restated that the political prisoners whose unconditional release Mr de Klerk announced on Tuesday — the exact day they will be out is not known yet — would take up their political activities under the banner of the ANC .
11 But in order to do this he must decide in each case what these conventions declare the law to be ; in order to do this he must decide what the content of each convention really is .
12 Behind them , she envisaged the faces of the Committee for the Preservation of Morals , as she had last seen them , glistening with almost sadistic anticipation of the crushing of the young author and of giving Mr Pascall and the cigar-store merchants their proper comeuppances .
13 While I was doing that sentence my other case for running a brothel and living off immoral earnings came up .
14 Some of those on the left have assumed that there is an inherent socialist majority in Britain which has failed to surface only because successive Labour governments , in pursuing a policy of managing rather than opposing capitalism , have never given that majority its political cue .
15 Given the turbulent times which still afflict the industry , this is a remarkable achievement .
16 This is due to the number of distinct administrative hierarchies whose active co-operation is required , and whose officers frankly have other tasks of much greater priority and interest .
17 Our resources are limited , but we try to give as much aid as possible tot he nascent profession in these countries .
18 The cistern of the washdown design is mounted on the wall , and connected tot he floor-mounted pan by a short length of curved pipe called the flush bend .
19 ‘ I was upset over that telegram my beloved son sent .
20 THE monolithic facade which Eastern Europe once presented to the world never seemed the same after West Bromwich Albion visited Bucharest in 1968 to play a Cup Winners ' Cup match against Dinamo in the August 23 Stadium , where it was rarely the 23rd and seldom felt like August .
21 [ reading ] " When you read this letter you will be far on your way to your father and mother where you have so long desired to be , and I hope I shall forbear thinking of you with the least shadow of that fondness my foolish heart had entertained for you .
22 A further major problem associated with the use of the network variable is that it is most readily operationalized to study speakers whose networks are of a relatively closeknit type and can not easily handle socially and geographically mobile speakers whose personal network ties are not predominantly dense or multiplex ; yet , such persons make up a substantial proportion of the population in a post-industrial society .
23 The almost incessant labour which that art requires leaves so little time for study that one can hardly find any person of sufficient experience capable of writing .
24 To reinforce the point the BTA is to spend £2.5 million telling foreigners what good value Britain now has to offer .
25 Thereafter , she became a statutory tenant under section 2(1) ( a ) , and giving the words of that subsection their natural meaning , it would appear that she was by the Act to remain a statutory tenant so long as she continued in occupation of the dwelling-house .
26 It was that bust-up which ruined team morale this season and contributed to Lancashire 's desperately poor season .
27 But perhaps the erm the simplest erm prognostic routes were suggested by the M R C working parties which general urology which was mentioned in the last presentation .
28 So , if you take out £7,500 over 180 months your monthly repayment at APR 21.5% variable will be £129.96 — and the total amount payable £23,392.80 .
29 In this low undergrowth their disorganized progress and uneven , differing rhythms of movement delayed them still more than in the wood .
30 In retirement Mr Hewitt is looking forward to having more time for reading , preferring biographies and works of historical interest , with French literature his main love .
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