Example sentences of "[adj] [noun] [verb] in [art] " in BNC.

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1 The Presidential Council initially appeared designed to supplant the CPSU central committee politburo as the main centre of political decision making in the Soviet Union .
2 Functionally the political decision shown in the drawing may seem very similar to the refusal to make a decision .
3 Most commercially exploited minerals in Britain tend to be in the older geological strata located in the more remote western and upland regions , while sand and gravel occur in coastal or valley sites or in glacial deposits , particularly in the south and east of England .
4 The people of Newbury saw a full field of 120 riders compete in the Jack Spencer Memorial ‘ 25 ’ on the H25/3 course .
5 The Chinese government in May 1990 rescinded the martial law order in Lhasa ( imposed in March 1989 following outbreaks of secessionist unrest ) , although a heavy armed presence remained in the city [ see p. 37454 ] .
6 Under managed floating , the domestic monetary authorities intervene in the foreign exchange markets to smooth out excessive short-term fluctuations in the exchange rate .
7 The associative data is extracted from the INSERT PARTS command , and the spatial data from the digitized coordinates and the inserted part 's drawing file , which is a structured set of work , spatial , engineering and technical sub-files held in the CAD data base ( this is fully explained in Chapter 6 ) .
8 Neither provision featured in the draft text prepared before the Eleventh Session of the Hague Conference .
9 In this chapter we examine a number of different forms of short-term contract working in a number of different sectors .
10 How far these findings apply to short-term contract working in the manufacturing sector is the subject of the following section .
11 Particular attention is given to the provision of financial services for industrial development and agrarian improvement ; the extent of movement into and out of Edinburgh ; the social structure and occupational zoning within Edinburgh ; demographic change ; the role of the law and of secular and ecclesiastical institutions in helping or hindering change ; the nature of social relationships within the town and the extent to which new and more progressive values existed in the city .
12 By the end of the 1930s , however , the economic elite had begun to recolonise the political institutions created in the Depression .
13 The mode and relations of production in an economy dominated by a smallholding peasantry strengthen the ability of the bureaucracy to control without strengthening the ability of other political institutions to intervene in a representative capacity .
14 Here they met up with a team from the Combined Operations base in the Suez Canal Zone , with two canoe parties under Lieutenant Robert Smith RN .
15 Joseph Beran ( right ) , former Archbishop of Prague , was one of the eight prisoners featured in the original Observer article .
16 I think that in the nineteen nineties , there is agreement that some reform is need is needed that there should be a better balance between the different groups at conference , and that decision making in the parties should be seen to be democratic open and based on one person one vote .
17 It turns out that all neurons of the primary visual cortex respond best to oriented bars or edges , though they still vary greatly among themselves as to the position their receptive field occupies in the visual field , as to the direction of preferred orientation , velocity of motion , size of bar and its polarity ( dark or light ) , and in other ways .
18 This one was recorded from the rabbit by W. R. Levick , reference 6 ; it had the receptive field plotted in the centre , and responded to bars at different orientations as shown by the responses round the outside of the figure .
19 All of Callinicos ' philosophical sophistication and matchless political experience evaporate in the face of the art of his own lifetime .
20 In the case of the Caribbean slave communities , this probably took only a short time : for example , we know that the emergence of Sranan Tongo , an English-lexified Creole spoken in the coastal region of Surinam , can be dated with reasonable accuracy to a period between the arrival of the first English slave-owning planters in the middle of the seventeenth century , and their expulsion by the Dutch : a total of less than thirty years .
21 That is why some Americans have been bothered by suggestions from Paris , Bonn and Brussels that ( in the words of Jacques Delors , speaking in London on March 7th ) the Western European Union ( WEU ) should be ‘ the melting pot for a European defence embedded in the Community , the second pillar of the Atlantic alliance ’ .
22 Isolated for long periods amongst little-known peoples , our sole defence lay in a sort of encounter therapy , a complete vulnerability to our hosts ' ways of being and seeing .
23 This is partly because access into council housing is through housing need rather than ability to pay but also because local authorities are the main providers of wheelchair and mobility adapted accommodation , with very little provision made in the housing association , private , rented or owner-occupied sector .
24 Three hundred extra helpers were recruited to give eight hours help in the three months before the election , or two Saturday mornings , or four evenings in the final two months .
25 Only one copy of Section 1 needs to be filled in , but ideally separate copies of Sections 2 , 3 and 4 should be filled in for each course taught in the appropriate field .
26 Indeed , court documents show that the eight performers named in the livret as making up the harmonie rustique were all wind players in the employ of the king .
27 The difficulty in obtaining the compliance of the United States to an agreement on Afghanistan between the regional states involved in the conflict stemmed from a continued American reluctance to accept an unrepresentative pro-Soviet and Marxist-inclined ( if not dominated ) government in that state .
28 Puzzle Wood is an area which has remained unaltered since it was transformed into tranquil woodland walks in the 1800's .
29 There is a major concern with the specifics of ministerial formation , but this is set within the department 's broader interests and is treated in a soundly academic fashion as in the other forms of professional preparation offered in the University .
30 The gentlemen in Virginia were in no position to do this ; they had very little money to spend in a gentlemanly way and no particular experience of colonization to give them any other claims to respect and obedience , as nothing got done and about 60 of the 100 initial settlers died in 1607 .
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