Example sentences of "[adj] [noun] [verb] not [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Pleasant puddings seemed not to be home made either .
2 Its economic base lay not in manufacturing but in commerce , contracting and land .
3 It seems that this passage led Barnett J. ( and indeed the Court of Appeal ) to conclude that the district judge should have approached the inquiry on the footing that ( i ) the burden of showing that the continuance of the prosecution would be a misuse of the process of the court rested upon the applicant , but ( ii ) this burden could prima facie be discharged by demonstrating an inexcusably long delay , unless the prosecution could in turn discharge the burden of showing that prejudice did not in fact follow from the delay .
4 In 1956 two American physicists , Tsung-Dao Lee and Chen Ning Yang , suggested that the weak force does not in fact obey the symmetry P. In other words , the weak force would make the universe develop in a different way from the way in which the mirror image of the universe would develop .
5 It is instructive that this literature appears not to be well known within UK child care services .
6 The short answer is that we can not , and that structures of this kind do not in fact evolve .
7 It seems a sensible conclusion that the strengths of this technique lie not in the method itself , but in the experience and skill of the person who employs it , and the extent to which these are known and respected by the beneficiaries of the study .
8 Not forgotten is the possibility that some mergers do not in the event prove successful so that expansion rapidly becomes contraction .
9 These techniques may be the conscious application of ideas which have been subjected to previous appraisal and are therefore the realization of principles , or they may simply be a set of more or less formulaic activities sanctioned not by appraisal but by the approval of authority .
10 The simple enrichment of the social and physical environment by transfer from institutions to staffed houses does not in itself ensure greater involvement by the person served in meaningful activity .
11 Few biologists have not at one time or another marvelled at the exquisite fit that can be found between the characteristics of an organism and the characteristics of its environment .
12 This term refers not to a single theory but rather to a set of assumptions underlying a particular approach to the study of perception and cognition .
13 But Shakespeare 's manipulation ultimately disrupts Harsnett 's design : ‘ In Shakespeare , the realization that demonic possession is a theatrical imposture leads not to a clarification — the clear-eyed satisfaction of a man who refuses to be gulled — but to a deeper uncertainty , a loss of moorings , in the face of evil . ’
14 The argument that is to be found most frequently in the writings of the philosophers who held this conception does not in fact relate to colours and sounds , though colours and sounds certainly received a good deal of attention .
15 That many doctors condone this practice does not in itself indicate any moral justification .
16 It might seem strange that rapes such as these carry a lower penalty than a Category 2 case in which the defendant threatens violence against one party with the aim of securing intercourse with another , but where no violence is perpetrated and sexual intercourse does not in fact take place .
17 The survival value of this act lies not with the individual but with its hive community .
18 This scientific attitude did not by any means always lead to a denial of the reality of God ; but it did not encourage the anticipation that God would actually intervene in the ordinary course of events ; nor , when faced with a strange or unexpected occurrence , would it immediately turn to God as the only possible explanation .
19 Most of the relevant experimental evidence on this issue comes not from studies of latent inhibition but from investigations of conditioning itself .
20 This girl had not of course been told of the scandal of the boss 's daughter , and she willingly went to the tall cabinet , found the card , read it to Alice who memorised it and ran out .
21 Popular movements did not of course remain outside the influence of market forces .
22 Whether public goods need be produced by the public sector depends not on their consumption characteristics , on which our definition of public good relies , but on their production characteristics .
23 British concerns do not of course merely consist of such generalities .
24 The test of sound theoretical work lay not in ‘ bourgeois ’ criteria such as consistency or falsifiability , but in the accuracy of theory as a guide for political practice .
25 Few workers have not at some time or another been strongly attracted towards a client .
26 There are also some splendid quotes ; Planck 's gloomy view of the advance of science led him to believe that scientific truth triumphs not by convincing its opponents , but rather because they eventually die .
27 His mistakes in foreign affairs sprang not from expansionism or malevolence but from non-comprehension , shortsightedness and an undue sense of his own importance .
28 This fellowship does not of course embrace Rome ; in Pilgrim 's Progress , Christian encounters Giant Pope , old and biting his nails because he can not get at the pilgrims , and mumbling to them , ‘ You will never mend till more of you be burned . ’
29 The hon. Gentleman came not from an especially poor background , but not from an especially advantaged one either .
30 Perhaps the groupishness of the image of social control comes not from the way quarrels were conducted but from the way men made peaces .
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