Example sentences of "[adj] [noun] [verb] a [det] " in BNC.

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1 That Shelford has a few doubters to disprove is cold comfort to Cardiff , who have had an unconvincing start to the season and whose main hope is to catch the tourists either cold or rusty after a lay-off which for most has lasted all of a fortnight .
2 It is true that the National Deaf Club attracted a few members from the provinces , but by and large , its membership has been confined mostly to London and its environs .
3 A transparent humanoid figure hovered a few feet away .
4 Kirton regained fame when he gained a place on the All Black panel , after John Hart had virtually lost be default , for one year , but was removed the following year when Hart made a more orderly bid to become an All Black selector .
5 Before I finish I would like to take this opportunity to say a few words about our commitment to Continuous News .
6 I was disappointed that the Home Secretary spent so much of his time this afternoon outlining a few examples of asylum seekers who have been proved to be lying .
7 Well , erm I I have been accosted a few times to do a few things , you know erm like I say , prostitution , they think probably because you 're on your own , everybody else , because one , say one person in the block is one , then you are one as well , you know .
8 Alec also owns Mooney of Kerrville , Texas , and that is where the TBM 700 story started a few years ago .
9 If the manager had wanted to take tough disciplinary action against Johnstone another opportunity arose a few days after the drunken sailor saga .
10 Of the attempts to provide writers with a PC-based style analyser , standard commercial channels proffer a few but their cost may be considered inordinate for such a duty and so one looks to shareware offerings because they are frequently better buys .
11 This chapter introduces a few of Stamford 's more interesting people and includes murderers , political idealists , oddities of nature and romantic aristocrats .
12 with some , some things to write a few words in , some things to tick , some things to make a mark on one of the numbers and so forth so erm er you know it 's erm but as I say it 's difficult to er
13 Peter Allis has turned golf into a kind of harmless interview where public figures hit a few shots and chat about themselves .
14 Like Peters and Waterman ( 1982 ) , she emphasizes the need for top executives to establish a few clear signals in order to create a felt need for change , and to use ‘ prime movers ’ in the organization both to ‘ talk up ’ the new strategy and to ensure that the signals or symbols developed to establish the new direction are present in all important interactions — i.e. reflected in reports , agenda for meetings , key events , and so on .
15 A mixture of something old and something new , everybody here at Club has his or her own favourite , and we 've also asked a few personalities to say a few words about their number 1 trip .
16 We have let a few people remix a few things , just for fun , but normally I would n't want to change it ; it had a certain magic at the time .
17 I just feel a game of this genre needs a quota of well-hidden rooms to add a little interest .
18 And here 's a few bucks to grease a few palms . ’
19 While lesser villages grabbed a few per cent here and there , le Mesnil-sur-Oger was denied that one vital per cent required for full grand cru status .
20 The second story is set in and around a country hotel , where the wife of a coarse doctor takes a more than kindly interest in a Klima wide-awake to the sights and sounds of this paradise .
21 This number included a few NF.4 night fighters , while the TT.4 was a target towing conversion fitted with a winch beneath the centre-section .
22 As the appliances will be used for quite a few years , perhaps under changing circumstances as couples have children , it 's important to look ahead and not just buy the cheapest model to save a few pounds .
23 Our sixty-four arrests included a few for the traditional crimes of burglary ( but now at chemist 's shops ) , forgery ( but of NHS prescriptions , not bank notes ) , as well as the new offences of unlawful possession of amphetamine or LSD .
24 I hung in there another year shredding a few more files saying maybe it was time I went back to the law and when I got this offer …
25 Thanks so very much for getting me Bloomfield 's annotated NT , vol I. I 'm delighted to have it , and have just been spending some time revisiting a few cruces to see what explanations are offered .
26 But on the journey to Vadinamia I also spent some time giving a little thought to security .
27 Another dealer owed a few hundred pounds by the director of a firm he had just left , drove one night with some friends to his house , where they flung bricks through every window .
28 But the common story , so far as we can tell , was of a prospering contado helping a few of the citizens to be successful merchants , carrying local market goods and some from longer distances ; and if Francis ' father had not been a successful merchant trading into France , the saint would not have borne the name he did , nor suffered the intense reaction to his father 's worldly values which helped to inspire him on the path to poverty and heaven .
29 SD reporters in Lower Franconia referred a few months later to a ‘ tiredness ’ with ideological ‘ education ’ among Party members as well as the general public , and remarked that the winning over of those people who still stood aloof from the Party was ‘ still an unsolved problem ’ .
30 The ban may , however , give Mrs Marcos the perfect opportunity to shed a few tears in front of the television cameras .
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