Example sentences of "[adj] [noun] [verb] [adv] in " in BNC.

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1 To check the statements ‘ comparison with the etching turn out to be optimistic ’ ( Schatborn ) and ‘ there is not a line that resembles Rembrandt 's other drawings of the period ’ ( Royalton-Kisch ) , readers have only to compare the treatment of the back in the drawing with the etching to see that the explanation offered by the experts that they are the product of two separate artists working independently in , ‘ a joint session of study from the model ’ is far fetched .
2 The Criminal Law Revision Committee 's Eighth Report , Theft and Related Offences , Cmnd 2977 , 1966 , 39 , said that electricity could not be stolen because it was not a substance and the Divisional Court held so in Low v Blease [ 1975 ] Crim LR 513 ; instead a separate offence , s.13 , abstracting electricity , was created .
3 The second knockdown came early in round two .
4 Is the dry rot getting further in do you think ?
5 The day before our return , as we looked out over the battlements , we saw a succession of thick black clouds driving slowly in over the sand flats and camel grass .
6 When the enemy front ranks reached there , and the first horsemen rode warily in to try this ford , no cannon-fire developed from above .
7 Sandwiches are often the easiest and most varied choice available at the local snack bar Gone are the days when a British sandwich meant two dried and curled slices of white bread with an indeterminate piece of pinkish meat lost somewhere in between .
8 I was obliged during the course of that first morning to go constantly in and out of the room , and so was unable to follow the proceedings at all fully .
9 In ‘ good girl ’ , for example , it is not a simple matter of the first word ending either in or in , but rather a matter of the extent to which alveolar and/or velar closures are achieved .
10 So we came to the halt , everything worked perfectly and I was astonished how easy this all was , I rather fancy it was the one blade digging gently in and scribing a beautiful arc to port , all the time into wind ; it was the gentlest of one-wheel landings that could ever have been attained .
11 Sometimes this means they have more room for wheel toys , but often it gives them a chance to make their own den to hide away in with a favourite toy .
12 By section 39(6) it was provided that references to expenses ‘ incurred in or in connection with any matter includes a reference to a proper proportion of any expense incurred partly in or in connection with that matter . ’
13 All of a sudden thousands of people cheered as red devils skied crazily in and out of precession and a horse-drawn sledge appeared magically through the whirling snow .
14 This method is particularly suitable for removing minor bumps in the landscape , the new level blending naturally in with the surroundings .
15 New mothers shift uneasily in
16 Urban development does not , unfortunately , keep itself within strict chronological order , so that a geographically direct descent of the Royal Mile skips disconcertingly in and out of a far from direct historical sequence .
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