Example sentences of "[adj] [noun] [verb] [pers pn] as " in BNC.

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1 Small wonder that flocks of European and Scandinavian birds choose it as their resting point when migrating to more congenial climes each winter .
2 Each genre established you as ‘ commander ’ at a particular level — for example as total military supremo controlling grand strategy , or at regimental level in charge of smaller units such as squads or platoons , or at the lowest level actually controlling individual tanks or airplanes .
3 Many librarians , especially in Hertfordshire , remedied their lack by attending Garnett College for a one-year course preparing them as teachers in further education .
4 The old warrior treated it as a kind of personal adventure playground where he could drive through cherished projects such as the revival of the wartime Home Guard or toy with trifles such as the age of entry to the Royal Naval College at Dartmouth .
5 His graphic accounts of this experience established him as anthropology 's Conrad and gave the subject the fiercely empirical tradition which is its hallmark in Britain to this day .
6 Overall , his churches and houses are no more than pleasant provincial work — examples are the rebuilding of St Julian 's church in Shrewsbury ( 1749–50 ) and Hatton Grange , Shropshire ( 1764–8 ) — but his decorative and funerary designs reveal him as a highly competent exponent of both the rococo style and the Gothic manner of Batty Langley [ q.v . ] .
7 Some organizations see it as an extension of their production process , others as the means by which their product or service is brought to the attention of the marketplace .
8 There is evidence to suggest that victims of these other forms of serious sexual assault regard them as no less serious than rape ( narrowly defined ) .
9 Old Joseph saw it as the beginning of his retreat into loneliness and isolation .
10 Some nationalists saw it as a cosmetic measure , to end the talks on a high note for Unionists .
11 Some writers use s/he as a non-sexist alternative .
12 In adapting Doolittle 's theory for low-molecular weight liquids to the case of very high molecular weight polymers , Williams , Landel & Ferry ( 1955 ) took a different definition of the fractional free volume defining it as where is the fractional free volume at a reference temperature is a coefficient of expansion of free volume .
13 Some people use it as a perfume .
14 Since some people regard them as the ultimate madness and evil they deem it to be their moral right to break laws , mostly in a non-violent manner , as a form of protest .
15 Some people feel them as a kind of outrage and violation , and Boden was a strong-minded and passionate man .
16 Some people feel it as no more irritating than the sting of a nettle , and have survived multiple stings ; others , who are allergic to the venom , may experience unpleasant effects or worse from a single sting .
17 On the other hand , some people see it as instant answer to every problem in life .
18 While the High Authority hailed it as an energy equivalent of the common agricultural policy to which the new Economic Community was committed , the document essentially confirmed the superiority of national interests .
19 Young couples took their children to it as soon as their legs were long enough ; old people accepted it as the first of their last climbs and many beery pledges were made to the mountain in the Deeside pubs .
20 Although O'Neill tried to present the case as one of the law simply taking its natural course to deal with illegal disorder , the Free Presbyterians saw it as a deliberate attempt to use the apparatus of the state to suppress true Bible Protestantism .
21 So social scientists interpreted him as a cultural determinist ?
22 Commercial directories listed him as physician in Shifnal .
23 Thus the time spent on the settling-down and clearing-up stages varied from 7 to 45 per cent of the total session , and the introductory stage varied similarly , largely because some teachers treated it as a purely administrative matter to be dealt with as succinctly as possible , while others incorporated it into the session as the whole-class teaching in an arrangement otherwise dominated by group work .
24 The Daily Telegraph described it as , ‘ Pure delight … a book of the year for sure . ’
25 London 's Evening Standard referred to ‘ AEA Technology — the reshaped Atomic Energy Authority ’ and the Daily Telegraph described us as the ‘ re-styled AEA Technology . ’
26 So valuable is it that some scientists regard it as a scent and as soon as they detect it , they know that they are on the right track .
27 A copy received by the Daily Mirror describes her as ‘ a crashing snob ’ .
28 If Margaret Thatcher stands down before the next election , as most voters appear to believe she should , Michael Heseltine is the popular choice to succeed her as Conservative leader , according to the opinion polls .
29 When the Girdle Gang appeared in court for an assault on a man whom , it was said , they had kicked ‘ like a football ’ , The Daily Graphic described them as ‘ a gang of the Hooligan type ’ .
30 He ran a tremulous fingertip over her lips in a further gesture to silence her as if he could n't bear the pain of hearing the words spoken .
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