Example sentences of "[adj] [noun] [verb] [pron] [det] " in BNC.

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1 Each division has its own editorial , production , and marketing sales staff .
2 Each variety has its own different characteristics — a wine may be made from a single type or , as in the case of claret , a careful blend of two or three .
3 All that she could identify as remaining of herself was the Jew ; she would never leave unpaid or transfer her spiritual account , if for no other reason than that payment safeguarded what little survived of her identity .
4 Opposing factions including the Khmer Rouge finally agreed to a ceasefire last October , and formed a four-party interim coalition , with each component administering its own territory .
5 Those are all steps in the right direction to make us more competitive ; and if we are more competitive , we can obviously sell more of our goods .
6 Written and oral components can be taken separately and each part confers its own certificate .
7 He entered her fiercely , her body and all her senses filled with him until , as before , the slumbering embers of the fire he had lit last night now blazed again , the raging flames consuming them both .
8 Each resort has its own character , from romantic Playa Blanca to lively Puerto del Carmen or sophisticated Costa Teguise , and yet they all share the traditional friendliness which visitors find so appealing .
9 There are as many ways to freedom as there are people , because each heart has its own journey , and each awareness has its own experience .
10 The absence of a blood trail from an emergency telephone was consistent with the 22-year-old pregnant housewife staunching her own blood , Dr Acland said .
11 Each field had its own small barn for wintering stock , a custom said to be typical of the early Norse settlers that came to this dale , leaving on the landscape the marks of their hands and on the speech the sound of their tongue .
12 Each Board devised its own policy , sometimes offering developers incentives like free connection of a new housing estate if they installed electric cooking or water heating or an agreed minimum of sockets .
13 Smith and Frawley 's ( 1983 ) study of the use of conjunction in different genres of English suggests that some genres are generally ‘ more conjunctive ’ than others and that each genre has its own preferences for certain types of conjunction .
14 A regular cycle of multi-purpose bills permits adjustments in criminal law and practice to be made without the necessity for each change to have its own bill .
15 Under this system , the government will still control the total capital expenditure of local authorities , but now intends to allow the authorities almost complete freedom to decide their own priorities within that overall sum .
16 Power was exercised not by parliament but by the parties themselves , which had complete freedom to put their own men in positions of influence .
17 Will my right hon. Friend confirm that we in Britain will retain complete freedom to run our own monetary and economic policy , that we have transferred no significant powers from Westminster to the European Parliament , and that , in securing the deletion of the word ’ federal ’ , he has secured the deletion of the whole federal agenda ?
18 Villa-Flotilla offers a course which teaches even complete beginners to skipper their own yachts .
19 Atomism , opposed to holism , holds that each sentence has its own meaning , which it can carry about with it from theory to theory .
20 Each branch has its own indigenous publishing programme and also acts as sales agents for the UK publishers .
21 In this context , regulations were , in the main , perceived not so much as serving the public interest but as representing ‘ capture ’ of the economic system by specific groups serving their own self-interest , reducing economic welfare and inhibiting economic development .
22 However , its location and release of new energies within a literary text are based on discoveries of how that text negotiated its own culture .
23 Each specialty has its own knowledge , its own training , its own language .
24 Do we want a friendly ideology to call our own ?
25 The ASEAN states presented their own plan in summer 1981 at the United Nations Conference on Cambodia convened at their instance .
26 ( i ) The plaintiffs challenge the validity of the section 39 notice , on the footing that it was not issued for the purpose of the Bank exercising its own supervisory functions under the Act , but rather for the purpose of enabling the U.S. Federal Reserve Board to pursue its own inquiries in relation to its own functions as the U.S. regulatory authority ; it is also contended that the notice is defective in form .
27 It is to fail in other words , to understand that literature can not simply be reduced to ideology , that literature has its own specificity , and that it consequently " reflects " the social process in a highly complex and mediated form .
28 Each croft had its own allocation of peat banks , the location of which was strictly adhered to and controlled by the local grazing committee .
29 The answer might seem to be that experience tells us that nation states are a key fact of the current world and that they plainly do often behave in a self-interested way .
30 Locke obviously recognized the implausibility of supposing that experience gives us these pieces of knowledge ; experience can not account for their certain applicability to all wholes , all numbers , or all promises .
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