Example sentences of "[adj] [noun] [verb] [noun] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 As this excerpt itself implies , the dynamics of competition may in due course bring producer behaviour into line with the wishes of consumers , since there are clear opportunities for profit in being the first to satisfy unmet demand .
2 This was in due course designated Iraq Pipeline Saudi Arabia No 1 ( IPSA-1 ) as distinct from a later scheme whereby a separate and entirely Iraqi line to handle 1.6 million b/d duplicating Petroline was to be built and called IPSA-2.6 Basrah Light crude became available to Iraq 's customers again from 28–29 September 1985 .
3 The Transport Act 1980 has attempted to encourage private operators to enter passenger transport under the philosophy that more competition will lead to better services .
4 The tasks used are spatial memory tasks which are normally used with neuropsychological patients , and it is hoped that the project will lead to a clearer understanding of the nature of spatial impairments following brain injury by clarifying the processing of spatial information presented simultaneously and sequentially .
5 The hon. Gentleman must answer this question : how can he argue that it is in patients ' interests to move away from a system of competitive tendering and use that money to pay trade union members rather than to pay for extra treatment for patients ?
6 West Mercia Police tried to introduce this Israeli computer to monitor vehicle distance and speed .
7 A DEPRESSED pensioner caused £6,000 worth of damage by splashing paint stripper on 39 parked cars , a Newcastle court heard yesterday .
8 The facilitators of the adolescent groups provide group leadership by using an inductive questioning strategy that moves discussion from the concrete and personal level to the social analysis and action stage .
9 It is simply a method of filtering political inputs to produce elite pluralism ( Aron , 1950 ) rather than mono-elite domination .
10 Although concentrations of colonic platelet activating factor content were higher ( p<0.01 ) when colonic mucosa displayed cell infiltration , they were neither related to the severity nor the type of inflammatory cells .
11 Even the platelet activating factor levels were higher when mucosal histology examination showed granuloma ( 310 ( 70 ) pg/mgW ) or mononuclear cells ( 300 ( 110 ) pg/mgW ) than polymorphonuclear cells ( 170 ( 8 ) pg/mgW ) , there was no significant correlation between colonic platelet activating factor content and mucosal infiltration of different type of inflammatory cells ( Fig 4 ) .
12 The amount of colonic platelet activating factor content decreased significantly ( p<0.05 ) in four and returned to normal values in three patients ( Fig 5 ) .
13 These authors have shown that colonic platelet activating factor content was significantly increased irrespective of colonic inflammation .
14 Because no significant difference was observed between colonic platelet activating factor content from the left or right sides of the colon and was unrelated to the extent of disease , biopsies from sigmoid may reflect the levels of platelet activating factor in the whole intestine .
15 Eliakim et al have reported that prednisolone and 5-aminosalycilate inhibit colonic platelet activating factor synthesis in vitro .
16 As PLA2 has been shown to be increased in Crohn 's disease patients , it has been postulated that steroids inhibits colonic platelet activating factor synthesis by interfering with PLA 2 activity .
17 That fight made school history .
18 When used as a squarer , X and Y are in parallel , the differential inputs giving polarity information ( negative output if either of the inputs is reversed ) .
19 Two recent reports have described colour specific impairments following prestriate damage in monkeys ( Wild , Butler , Carden , and Kulikowski 1985 ) and humans ( Heywood and Cowey 1985 ) .
20 In addition to its ADP and arcachidonic acid independent aggregating activity on rabbit platelets , the lipidic material was further characterised as platelet activating factor on the basis of the following criteria : ( a ) its aggregating activity in the presence of 0.1 mM BN 52021 , a specific platelet activating factor receptor antagonist ; ( b ) its aggregating activity after incubation of the samples with 10 µg/ml phospholipase A 2 from hog pancreas and with 100 µg/ml lipase A 1 from R arrhizus ; ( c ) its retention time during high performance liquid chromatography analysis using phosphatidylcholine , lysophosphatidylcholine , and synthetic C-18 platelet activating factor as standards .
21 This material had a retention time typical of platelet activating factor during HPLC analysis using phosphatidylcholine , lysophosphatidylcholine , and synthetic platelet activating factor as standards and was further characterised as platelet activating factor on the basis of the following criteria : ( a ) its aggregating activity was suppressed in the presence of 0.1 mM BN 52021 , a specific platelet activating factor receptor antagonist ; ( b ) and after incubation of the samples with 10 µg/ml phospholipase A 2 from hog pancreas ; lipase A1 from R arrhizus 100 µg/ml was without effect .
22 In the present study the aggregating activity of materials obtained from patients with Crohn 's disease was characterised as platelet activating factor according to : ( i ) its retention time from high performance liquid chromatography which was similar to that of synthetic platelet activating factor ; ( ii ) its inhibition by specific platelet activating factor antagonist and phospholipase A2 ( PLA2 ) and no by PLA1 .
23 If you did , you saw one main film and had ample opportunity to buy ice cream .
24 That Lions tour party breakdown probably would have been the initial thoughts of the selectors in January .
25 Thirty years , more or less , have gone by the boards since a ragtag group of artists converged on a spot in lower Manhattan called Coenties Slip .
26 The obligatory consultation period for prior approval from National Park Authorities for agricultural proposals attracting grant aid in National Parks should be increased from 1 month to a maximum of 3 months in order to give NPAs a more reasonable time for an assessment of the proposal 's implications and to take specialist advice .
27 Each board has 128Mb RAM , 100 MFLOPS and 800 MIPS .
28 In 1980 milk provided 33% meat from cattle , sheep and pigs 25% , grain 12% , and horticulture 115 of farm incomes .
29 Mr Michael Fallon , the Darlington Conservative candidate , has written to Rothman 's employees about Labour plans to ban tobacco advertising .
30 Subject to the provisions of Clause 10.1 , it will take such steps as it may consider reasonable in each case to secure IPR protection .
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