Example sentences of "[adj] [modal v] have been [verb] " in BNC.

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1 I only ask because I have had educational advantages , courtesy both of Cambridge and the fresh , clean-limbed members of Her Majesty 's prison service , that may have been denied to readers who , while possessed of many excellent and succulently moist personal characteristics are , perforce , less verbally erudite than moi .
2 The failure of the continuation school movement shows that the class position of the prospective pupils , rather than any age relationship , determined that the significance of their labour power was more important than their further education , however that may have been defined .
3 I think that may have been construed as impolite , so I smiled and replied that , yes indeed it was still a bit to go before the top , and wow , certainly it was proving mighty tough .
4 The report stated that a study had been made of an incinerator at Bonnybridge in Scotland that suggested an increased level of twinning in cattle , and possibly in humans , that may have been linked with the emission of PCHs and other substances from the plant .
5 Fancy building , I mean that must have been done when , when the house was built .
6 Many programmers realized that they had been programming things that should never have been taught at all , or that should have been taught by some other method or combination of methods .
7 That should have been arranged before .
8 Of course that should have been altered when inflation became serious , but it was n't .
9 It is sad , and somewhat ominous , that so little of that should have been reflected in the sombre statement which Mr Parkinson made in the House yesterday ..
10 The appellant appealed on the ground that the co-defendant 's plea of guilty should have been excluded by the trial judge in the exercise of his discretion under section 78(1) of the 1984 Act .
11 Some may have been worn as earrings .
12 Some of the patterns shown are so elaborate that it seems doubtful that they were woven : some may have been printed with blocks , while others may have been produced by a mixed-medium method , combining printing , embroidery , and appliqué work .
13 missing children — those who disappear ; some may have been kidnapped or abducted , some will have run away
14 Some of these workers may have just entered the labour market from school , some may have been made redundant from their previous jobs , some may have been sacked for one reason or another and many will have quit their previous jobs in order to create time to search for more satisfactory ones .
15 The locations of the recent Kalimantan outbreaks suggest that some may have been rekindled from underground smoulderings dating from at least the mid-80s .
16 Outline some of the evidence from which it is believed that water has not been lost in large quantities from Venus , and the evidence which indicates that some may have been lost .
17 Some may have been ploughed , but much has probably been improved and is now recorded under permanent pasture , the more suitable permanent pasture having been turned to arable .
18 Some of these workers may have just entered the labour market from school , some may have been made redundant from their previous jobs , some may have been sacked for one reason or another and many will have quit their previous jobs in order to create time to search for more satisfactory ones .
19 These S.S.S.I.s are constantly under review , and while some may have been dropped , others may have been extended and new sites added .
20 Some may have been divided into flats while others may have been newly modernised or renovated .
21 Some may have been discouraged by the attitude of the Office of Works to questions .
22 It is probable that Minoan citizens offered real robes to the temple for this purpose : some may have been woven in the temple itself , given that loom-weights were found in the cellars of the East Wing of the Labyrinth .
23 Some of the questions may be completely answered , some may be nearly but not quite complete and some may have been abandoned half-way .
24 This may have been caused by the heating and lighting used at that time , or perhaps modern communications plus far better fire fighting methods available today ensure that incidents are tackled much more quickly .
25 Layers of organic muds of swamp origin will be interspersed with wedge-shaped horizons of marine sediments thinning landwards and representing marine advance , however this may have been caused , levees of coarser sediment will follow the courses of former distributaries , while fanshaped spreads of such material will mark the sites of levee breaches .
26 However , this may have been overturned by the House of Lords in Lonrho Ltd .
27 This may have been characterised by a mystic other-worldliness which had little time for the concerns of this world , and the working out of faith in relation to the everyday challenges of life .
28 At some date , presumably after the twelfth century , the village moved or was moved westwards and its gridplan suggests this may have been planned .
29 It is strange , however , that Garrick did not subscribe for Leapor 's volumes , since at almost the same time he subscribed for the Irish bricklayer poet , Henry Jones , though this may have been done to please Chesterfield .
30 This may have been done by the surveyor to protect the building society or bank .
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