Example sentences of "[adj] [modal v] [verb] for many " in BNC.

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1 Working , living and playing together in the knowledge that this may continue for many years to come increases the pressure to conform to the wishes of the group .
2 This may happen for many reasons beside business failure — for example , simple bad luck in the shape of injury , illness or death to someone who is vital to the business 's continuing success .
3 ‘ Good God , ’ said this devout Welshman , ‘ this will do for many of the Navy boys worse than the sinking of their own ships , they will have no wives and children to come home to ! ’
4 1 The expression 4p +2 can stand for many numbers depending on what number p is standing for .
5 Ants such as leaf cutters , which use reliable supplies of food , lay more permanent scent trails and these may last for many months .
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