Example sentences of "[adj] [modal v] [verb] [noun pl] for " in BNC.

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1 If the decision is so brief as to be inadequate , this may provide grounds for an appeal to the Commissioners , since it will amount to an error of law .
2 The no-tax situation is not a first-best benchmark , since it may not correspond to a desired intertemporal distribution — and this may provide grounds for government intervention .
3 ‘ Together with reported delays last year on international contracts , this may have implications for profits in the current year , ’ the report said .
4 This may have implications for the effectiveness of pre-emptive analgesia in surgery for previously painful conditions .
5 After more than 30 years ' work at Wharram Percy , it is possible to give a general account of what happened on the site , and , in view of the detailed work there , this may have implications for studies elsewhere .
6 This may have implications for the future consultation of theses , as described in Chapter 4 .
7 The courts will not take the incidence of future inflation into account in calculating the dependency , but if it is established that the deceased would have increased his income in the future for reasons other than inflation ( eg because he would have been promoted if he had remained in his job or because he would probably have attained higher and better paid skills or a better paid job if he had lived ) this might give grounds for increasing the multiplicand .
8 This might have implications for the many companies which import computers made outside the European Community especially the " clone " importers who affix their own name to the equipment .
9 This could open doors for my career so it 's not just a record to ome .
10 Gene transduction with these agents is essentially restricted to dividing cells , but although this could limit applications for other genetic disorders , it should not restrict gene therapy for cancer , where the target population of malignant cells is expanding .
11 This could have implications for engineers using changes in the sound of vibrating components to check for cracks and fractures .
12 This effect may also induce a European sense of identity among the citizens of the member states , and this could have implications for some of the cultural barriers to free movement .
13 The Commission says this would create savings for manufacturers as they will no longer have to supply labels , costing 70p each , in every community language .
14 This would enhance earnings for the year ending 31st March 1994 .
15 On the assumption that people are motivated by monetary reward , it was argued that this would provide incentives for them to work harder and for entrepreneurs to create wealth and jobs .
16 This would provide grounds for optimism — if you accept this recession is similar in type and degree to that of 1980–81 .
17 Supervisors would need to consider the validity of such explanations : where scrutiny of a number of schedules showed avoidance of particular areas to be common , this would have implications for agency policy and staff training .
18 But player manager Glenn Hoddle , who was outstanding in midfield said : ‘ This will do wonders for our self belief .
19 Social efficiency requires that prices be close to marginal cost but this will imply losses for the natural monopolist .
20 If they do appear to be effective for recognition , this will have consequences for the design of pattern recognisers .
21 It has to be clearly understood that whether LMS or GMS there is inevitably going to be a change in the existing relationships at all levels ; this will have implications for where differing and changed levels of power will lie .
22 If there is an intrinsic conflict between capital and labour leading management to seek out means of exercising tight control over workers through fragmenting and de-skilling jobs , then this will have implications for the way in which whole enterprises are organised .
23 This will have implications for the training of future GIS users , and for graphicacy education in general .
24 The modes of communication are changing and this will have implications for the historical record .
25 This will stimulate suggestions for new or further research .
26 This can present problems for teachers .
27 However , when children 's fares are below the full adult fare this can cause difficulties for operators ( Dobbs 1979 ) , and the economic and social costs of getting children from more remote rural settlements to school remains an outstanding problem in many localities .
28 As there is a clear obligation on the local authorities which is not , under the Bill , being given to the boards responsible for further education , that could cause difficulties for such people .
29 Sir David is likely to stress that proposals which are viewed in the colony as ungenerous would create difficulties for his administration 's attempts to ensure a smooth transition to Chinese rule .
30 This is the first year I 've put Lynda into the Giants , but her recent exposure has been terrific and I 'm sure will do wonders for this twins tale spotted with sex and violence with Auschwitz roots .
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